Source code for simudo.util.string_system

import functools
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain as ichain
from itertools import combinations

from suffix_trees.STree import STree

__all__ = [

def iterjoin(separator, iterable):
    iterable = iter(iterable)
    yield next(iterable)
    for x in iterable:
        yield separator
        yield x

def all_lcs(stree, minimum_length=0):
    num_strings = len(stree.word_starts)
    seen = set()
    def f(x):
        # wondering about the 'list'?
        # upstream bug, extraneous typecheck:
        #     if stringIdxs == -1 or not isinstance(stringIdxs, list):
        y = stree.lcs(list(x))

        if len(y) >= minimum_length and y not in seen:
            for i in range(num_strings):
                if i not in x:
    for x in combinations(range(num_strings), 2):
    return seen

def default_score(num_occurrences, len_lcs):
    return len_lcs*num_occurrences

[docs]def make_string_system( strings, min_length=6, score=default_score): num_strings = len(strings) strings = [(x,) for x in strings] def_index = 0 while True: sstrings = [x for s in strings for x in s if isinstance(x, str)] stree = STree(sstrings) lcss = all_lcs(stree, minimum_length=min_length) if not lcss: break best = max(lcss, key=lambda sub: score(sum(s.count(sub) for s in sstrings), len(sub))) strings = [list(ichain.from_iterable( (x,) if not isinstance(x, str) else iterjoin(def_index, x.split(best)) for x in s)) for s in strings] strings.append((best,)) def_index += 1 return (strings[:num_strings], strings[num_strings:])
[docs]def format_string_system(string_system_output, replacements=None): strings, defs = string_system_output if replacements is None: replacements = list('{{{}}}'.format(chr(i+65)) for i in range(len(defs))) def repl(x): return replacements[x] if not isinstance(x, str) else x strings = [''.join(map(repl, s)) for s in strings] defs = [''.join(map(repl, s)) for s in defs] defs = list(zip(replacements, defs)) return (strings, defs)
# print(format_string_system(string_system([ # "function arguments of different types will be cached separately", # "bound function is periodically called with the same arguments", # 'Apply function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of sequence', # 'argumentative individual'], 5)))