Source code for simudo.plot.plot

import os
import textwrap
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps, partial

import numpy as np

    import argh
except ImportError:

from ..util import string_system
from .matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from .pdftoppm import pdftoppm

[docs]@contextmanager def figclosing(fig=None): if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() yield fig plt.close(fig)
[docs]@contextmanager def subplots(*args, closefig=True, **kwargs): fig, ax = plt.subplots(*args, **kwargs) yield (fig, ax) if closefig: plt.close(fig)
[docs]@contextmanager def plot01(filename): with plot() as (fig, ax): ax.grid(True) yield (fig, ax) ax.legend() fig.savefig(filename)
[docs]def matplotlib_configure_CM_font(size=16, usetex=False): if usetex: plt.rc('text', usetex=True) font = dict( family='serif', size=size, serif=['computer modern roman']) plt.rc('font',**font) else: plt.rc("mathtext", fontset="cm") plt.rc("font", family="serif", size=size)
[docs]def percentile_update_limits(limits=None, values=None, percentiles=(3, 97)): '''Update an array [ymin, ymax] with values `values` by using the percentiles `percentiles`. Note: this function modifies its first argument, and also returns it. If the first argument is `None`, `[inf, -inf]` is returned. ''' if limits is None: limits = np.inf * np.array([1, -1]) if values is not None: p = np.percentile(values, percentiles) limits[0] = min(limits[0], p[0]) limits[1] = max(limits[1], p[1]) return limits
[docs]def savefig(fig, basename, pdf=False, svg=True, png=None, optipng=True): if png is None: png = pdf if pdf is None: pdf = png if png and not pdf: warnings.warn(RuntimeWarning("pdf=True implies png=True")) pdf = png if svg: fig.savefig(basename + '.svg') if pdf: fig.savefig(basename + '.pdf') if png: pdftoppm(input =basename + '.pdf', output=basename + '.png', optipng=optipng)
[docs]def arg_matplotlib(default_font_size=16, argument_prefix=""): def wrapper(func): p = '--'+argument_prefix arg = argh.arg @wraps(func) @arg(p+'pdf', dest='matplotlib_pdf', action='store_true', help='In addition to SVG, also output PDF and PNG files?') @arg(p+'usetex', dest="matplotlib_usetex", action='store_true', help='Tell matplotlib to use TeX to process text and math ' 'in figure. Slower but better.') @arg(p+'font-size', dest='matplotlib_font_size', help='Set default matplotlib font size.', default=default_font_size, type=int) def wrapped(args): matplotlib_configure_CM_font( size=args.matplotlib_font_size, usetex=args.matplotlib_usetex) args.matplotlib_savefig = partial(savefig, pdf=args.matplotlib_pdf) return func(args) return wrapped return wrapper
[docs]class BaseText(object): string = ... def __str__(self): return self.string
[docs]class TitleText(BaseText): def __init__(self, ax): = ax @property def string(self): return @string.setter def string(self, value):
[docs]class LegendText(BaseText): def __init__(self, ax, index): = ax self.index = index @property def legend_text_object(self): return[self.index] @property def string(self): return self.legend_text_object.get_text() @string.setter def string(self, value): self.legend_text_object.set_text(value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_axes(cls, ax): return [cls(ax, index) for index in range(len(ax.get_legend().get_texts()))]
[docs]def clever_legend(ax, title_wrap_width=65, title_font_size=12): ax.legend() title_text = TitleText(ax) texts = [title_text] texts.extend(LegendText.from_axes(ax)) strings, defs = string_system.format_string_system( string_system.make_string_system( [str(t) for t in texts], min_length=6)) for t, s in zip(texts, strings): t.string = s if title_font_size is not None: ax.title.set_size(title_font_size) title_text.string = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap( title_text.string + '. ' + '; '.join( '{}:{{{}}}'.format(x[0], x[1]) for x in defs), title_wrap_width)) return ax