Source code for simudo.physics.optical

import functools
import itertools
import logging
import re
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain

import numpy
from cached_property import cached_property

import dolfin
import ufl

from .. import pyaml
from ..fem import (
    MixedFunctionHelper, Spatial, WithSubfunctionsMixin, opportunistic_assign)
from ..util import NameDict, SetattrInitMixin
from .poisson_drift_diffusion import GetToSaveMixin, SaveItem
from .problem_data_child import DefaultProblemDataChildMixin

pyaml_optical = pyaml.load_res(__name__, 'optical1.py1')

__all__ = [

[docs]class Optical(DefaultProblemDataChildMixin, GetToSaveMixin, SetattrInitMixin): '''Contains optical part of the problem. Note that unlike PDD, the optical fields are solved independent (self-consistently), so we do not have a big mixed space made up of all the photon flux fields. Parameters ---------- problem_data: See :py:attr:`problem_data`. mesh_data: optional See :py:attr:`mesh_data`. Attributes ---------- problem_data: :py:class:`~.problem_data.ProblemData` Parent problem. mesh_data: :py:class:`~.mesh_data.MeshData` Mesh data. Taken from :py:attr:`problem_data` if not specified. fields: :py:class:`.NameDict` Dictionary of :py:class:`OpticalField` objects. spatial: :py:class:`.spatial.Spatial` Object managing boundary conditions and spatial quantities. Phi_scale: :py:class:`dolfin.Constant` This controls the scaling factor applied to light photon flux boundary conditions. This is particularly useful when doing a light ramp-up. ''' @cached_property def Phi_pddproj_space(self): return @cached_property def Phi_scale(self): return dolfin.Constant(1.0) * self.unit_registry.dimensionless @cached_property def fields(self): return NameDict() @cached_property def spatial(self): return Spatial(parent=self)
[docs] def easy_add_field(self, key, photon_energy, direction, solid_angle=None): if solid_angle is None: solid_angle = 4*numpy.pi self.fields.add(OpticalFieldMSORTE( optical=self, key=key, photon_energy=photon_energy, direction=direction, solid_angle=solid_angle))
[docs] def get_to_save(self): r = super().get_to_save() for x in self.fields: r.update(x.get_to_save()) return r
[docs]class OpticalField(SetattrInitMixin): '''A single optical field subproblem. This represents a scalar photon flux at a single wavelength and direction of propagation. Parameters ---------- optical: :py:class:`Optical` Parent object. key: str Name of optical field. Must be unique. photon_energy: :py:class:`pint.Quantity` Photon energy. Magnitude must be floating point constant. direction: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Direction of propagation. Must be a normalized vector. solid_angle: float Solid angle spanned by this optical field. The sum of all solid angles at a given wavelength must sum up to :math:`4\\pi`. Attributes ---------- Phi: :py:class:`pint.Quantity` wrapping :py:class:`dolfin.Function` Photon flux field. This function is on the optical mesh. alpha: :py:class:`pint.Quantity` wrapping expression Absorption/extinction coefficient. This quantity is on the optical mesh (and may be a result of a projection/interpolation from the PDD mesh). g: :py:class:`pint.Quantity` wrapping expression Additional generation (excluding :code:`-alpha*Phi`). This quantity is on the optical mesh (and may be a result of a projection/interpolation from the PDD mesh). Phi_pddproj: :py:class:`pint.Quantity` of :py:class:`dolfin.Function` Projected/interpolated version of :py:attr:`Phi` on the PDD mesh. To update the projection, call :py:meth:`update_output`. Phi_pddproj_clipped: :py:class:`pint.Quantity` wrapping expression Clipped version of :py:class:`Phi_pddproj` that is always nonnegative. Notes ----- TODO: write down radiative transfer equation ''' _MixedFunctionHelper = MixedFunctionHelper def __init__(self, **kwargs): direction = kwargs.get('direction', None) if direction is not None: kwargs['direction'] = numpy.array(direction) super().__init__(**kwargs) @cached_property def mixed_function_helper(self): m = self._MixedFunctionHelper() m.mesh_util = self.mesh_util m.subspace_descriptors_for_solution_space = ( self.get_subspace_descriptors_for_solution_space()) self.function_subspace_registry.register( m.solution_mixed_space.function_space) return m @property def mixed_function_solution_object(self): return self.mixed_function_helper
[docs] def get_subspace_descriptors_for_solution_space(self): return self.solution_subspace_descriptors
def __str__(self): return self.key @property def name(self): return self.key @property def mesh_util(self): return self.optical.mesh_util @property def spatial(self): return self.optical.spatial @property def pdd(self): return self.optical.problem_data.pdd @property def unit_registry(self): return self.optical.unit_registry @property def function_subspace_registry(self): return self.optical.function_subspace_registry @cached_property def _hc_constant(self): u = self.unit_registry return (u.planck_constant * u.speed_of_light) @property def vacuum_wavelength(self): '''Computes vacuum wavelength based on :py:attr:`photon_energy`. Can also be used to initialize that property, with the conversion being done automatically.''' return (self._hc_constant / self.photon_energy).to('nm') @vacuum_wavelength.setter def vacuum_wavelength(self, value): self.photon_energy = (self._hc_constant / value).to('eV') @property def _Phi_scale(self): return self.optical.Phi_scale @property def Phi_pddproj_clipped(self): Phi = self.Phi_pddproj return dolfin.conditional(, 0.0), 0.0, Phi.m) * Phi.u @cached_property def Phi_pddproj(self): return (dolfin.Function(self.optical.Phi_pddproj_space) * self.unit_registry("1/mesh_unit^2/s")) @cached_property def alpha(self): return (dolfin.Function(self.Phi_space) * self.unit_registry('1/mesh_unit')) @cached_property def g(self): return (dolfin.Function(self.Phi_space) * self.unit_registry('1/mesh_unit^3/s'))
[docs] def get_alpha_pdd_expr(self): ''' This represents the extinction coefficient on the PDD mesh, as extracted from the :py:class:`.poisson_drift_diffusion.ElectroOpticalProcess` instances in :py:attr:`~.poisson_drift_diffusion.PoissonDriftDiffusion.electro_optical_processes`. ''' alpha = * self.unit_registry('1/cm') for proc in self.pdd.electro_optical_processes: a = proc.get_alpha_by_optical_field(self) if a is not None: alpha = alpha + a return alpha
[docs] def get_g_pdd_expr(self): ''' This represents the optical generation on the PDD mesh (excluding the loss through the extinction coefficient), as extracted from the :py:class:`.poisson_drift_diffusion.ElectroOpticalProcess` instances in :py:attr:`~.poisson_drift_diffusion.PoissonDriftDiffusion.electro_optical_processes`. ''' g = * self.unit_registry('1/cm^3/s') for proc in self.pdd.electro_optical_processes: a = proc.get_optical_generation_by_optical_field(self) if a is not None: g = g + a return g
[docs] def update_output(self): '''Update output quantities (e.g. by projecting onto PDD mesh). This updates :py:attr:`Phi_pddproj`. ''' fsr = self.function_subspace_registry # TODO: don't assume pdd mesh = optical mesh opportunistic_assign( source=self.Phi, target=self.Phi_pddproj, function_subspace_registry=fsr)
[docs] def update_input(self): '''Update input quantities (e.g. by projection onto optical mesh). This updates :py:attr:`alpha` and :py:attr:`g`. ''' fsr = self.function_subspace_registry # TODO: don't assume pdd mesh = optical mesh opportunistic_assign( source=self.get_alpha_pdd_expr(), target=self.alpha, function_subspace_registry=fsr) opportunistic_assign( source=self.get_g_pdd_expr(), target=self.g, function_subspace_registry=fsr)
[docs]class OpticalFieldMSORTE( pyaml_optical.OpticalFieldMSORTE, WithSubfunctionsMixin, OpticalField, GetToSaveMixin):
[docs] def get_weak_form(self): return self.msorte_form
[docs] def get_essential_bcs(self): return self.essential_bcs
[docs] def get_solution_function(self): return self.mixed_function_helper.solution_function
[docs] def get_to_save(self): r = super().get_to_save() k = 'optical/' + r.add(SaveItem(name=k+'/mixed_solution', value=self.mixed_function_helper.solution_function, solver_save=True)) return r
[docs]class AbsorptionRangesHelper(SetattrInitMixin): ''' Parameters ---------- problem_data: Problem_data object. inf_upper_bound: Upper bound on absorption to use instead of literal 'inf'. By default 100 eV. energy_unit: By default, eV. ''' @property def unit_registry(self): return self.problem_data.unit_registry @property def energy_unit(self): return self.unit_registry('eV') @property def inf_upper_bound(self): return self.unit_registry('eV') * 100 @property def bands(self): return self.problem_data.pdd.bands def _abs(self, x): return dolfin.conditional(x >= 0, x, -x)
[docs] def get_transition_lower_bounds(self): '''Returns a dictionary of minimum transition lower bounds. The keys in the dictionary are frozensets :code:`{source_band_key, destination_band_key}`.''' r = {} Eunit = self.energy_unit abs = self._abs for a, b in itertools.combinations(self.bands,2): E_a = a.energy_level.m_as(Eunit) E_b = b.energy_level.m_as(Eunit) r[frozenset((,] = abs(E_a - E_b) * Eunit return r
[docs] def get_transition_bounds(self): '''Returns dictionary of `(lower, upper)` bounds for energy transitions. See :py:meth:`get_transition_lower_bounds` for more. ''' lowers = self.get_transition_lower_bounds() upper_bound = ufl.as_ufl(self.inf_upper_bound.m_as(self.energy_unit)) r = {} for k, lower in lowers.items(): lst = [] for k2, lower2 in lowers.items(): if k == k2: continue # FIXME: this is WRONG if lower is exactly equal to lower2 lst.append(dolfin.conditional( ufl.as_ufl(lower2.m) < lower.m, upper_bound, lower2.m)) if not lst: lst.append(upper_bound) upper = self._ufl_minimum(lst) r[k] = (lower, upper * lower.units) return r
def _ufl_minimum(self, lst): if len(lst) > 10: raise NotImplementedError( "INEFFICIENT: rewrite this as a binary tree") elif len(lst) == 1: return lst[0] return functools.reduce(ufl.Min, lst)