Source code for

import csv
import logging
import warnings
import operator as OP
from contextlib import closing
from functools import reduce
import os
from cached_property import cached_property
import numpy as np

import dolfin

from import h5yaml
from import XdmfPlot
from import LineCutCsvPlot
from ..util import SetattrInitMixin
from ..mesh import CellRegions

[docs]class ZeroAreaWarning(RuntimeWarning): pass
[docs]class OutputWriter(SetattrInitMixin): '''Write output data extracted from a solution object. The output can be any of a plot on a mesh, on a 1D linecut, or in a csv file containing data from multiple solutions during a parameter sweep. parameter_name: label for the parameter being swept filename_prefix: a prefix to any filenames that will be saved. plot_mesh -- Save data on the original mesh. (default: False) plot_1d -- Extract data along a 1D line cut and save to a csv file. (default: False) plot_iv -- Save a csv file with terminal voltages, currents and other extracted data. (default: True) stepper -- (optional) give access to the stepper. Allows plotting quantities related to solution such as error metric (du). ''' _meta_csv = None stepper = None plot_iv = True plot_1d = False plot_mesh = False parameter_name = 'parameter' line_cut_resolution = 5001 @cached_property def meta_extractors(self): return []
[docs] def format_parameter(self, solution, parameter_value): return '{:.14g}'.format(parameter_value)
[docs] def get_plot_prefix(self, solution, parameter_value): return (self.filename_prefix + '_{}={}'.format(self.parameter_name, self.format_parameter(solution, parameter_value)))
[docs] def get_iv_prefix(self, solution, parameter_value): return self.filename_prefix
[docs] def write_output(self, solution, parameter_value): if os.path.dirname(self.filename_prefix) != '': os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.filename_prefix), exist_ok=True) meta = {} meta['sweep_parameter:{}'.format(self.parameter_name)] = dict(value=parameter_value) for extractor in self.meta_extractors: extractor( solution=solution, parameter_value=parameter_value, output_writer=self, meta=meta).call() if self.plot_mesh: for ext in ['.xdmf', '_checkpoint.xdmf', '.h5', '_checkpoint.h5']: try: os.remove(self.get_plot_prefix(solution, parameter_value)+ext) except FileNotFoundError: pass with closing(XdmfPlot(self.get_plot_prefix( solution, parameter_value) + '.xdmf', None)) as mesh_plotter: solution_plot(mesh_plotter, solution, 0, stepper=self.stepper) with closing(XdmfPlot(self.get_plot_prefix( solution, parameter_value) + '_checkpoint.xdmf', None, checkpoint=True)) as mesh_plotter: solution_plot(mesh_plotter, solution, 0, stepper=self.stepper) if self.plot_1d: plot_prefix = self.get_plot_prefix(solution, parameter_value) with closing(LineCutCsvPlot( plot_prefix + '.csv', None, resolution=self.line_cut_resolution, )) as plotter: solution_plot(plotter, solution, 0, stepper=self.stepper) h5yaml.dump(meta, plot_prefix + '.plot_meta.yaml') if self.plot_iv: meta_writer = self.get_meta_csv_file( self.filename_prefix + '_{}.csv'.format(self.parameter_name), meta) meta_writer.add_row(meta)
[docs] def get_meta_csv_file(self, filename, meta): if self._meta_csv is None: self._meta_csv = MetaCSVWriter(filename, meta) return self._meta_csv
[docs]class MetaCSVWriter(SetattrInitMixin): def __init__(self, filename, meta): columns = [] for k, d in meta.items(): u = d.get('units', '') typ = d.get('type', 'float') columns.append(k) self.columns = columns self.file = open(filename, 'wt') self.writer = csv.writer(self.file) self.writer.writerow(columns) # add a '#' at the beginning of the units line so it can be # treated as a comment by numpy.genfromtxt(), pandas.read_csv() etc. units = [meta[c].get('units', '') for c in columns] units[0] = '# ' + units[0] self.writer.writerow(units)
[docs] def add_row(self, meta): self.writer.writerow([meta[c]['value'] for c in self.columns]) self.file.flush()
def _ensure_dict(d, k): v = d.get(k, None) if v is None: v = d[k] = {} return v
[docs]class MetaExtractorBandInfo(SetattrInitMixin): prefix = 'band_info:'
[docs] def call(self): for k, band in self.solution.pdd.bands.items(): pre = "{}{}:".format(self.prefix, self.meta[pre+"sign"] = dict( value=band.sign)
[docs]class MetaExtractorIntegrals(SetattrInitMixin): ''' Attributes ---------- prefix: str String to add to quantites. facets: dict Facet regions where to extract quantities. cells: dict Cell regions where to extract quantities. solution: Solution object. parameter_value: Parameter value. meta: Metadata dictionary to write to. ''' prefix = ''
[docs] def call(self): mu = self.pdd.mesh_util for k, b in self.pdd.bands.items(): self.add_surface_flux( 'avg:current_{}'.format(k), b.j, average=True, units='mA/cm^2') self.add_surface_flux( 'tot:current_{}'.format(k), b.j, average=False, units='mA') self.add_volume_total( 'avg:g_{}'.format(k), b.g, average=True, units='cm^-3/s') self.add_volume_total( 'tot:g_{}'.format(k), b.g, average=False, units='1/s') for procname, proc in self.pdd.electro_optical_processes.items(): self.add_volume_total('tot:g_{}_{}'.format(procname, k), proc.get_generation(b), average=False, units='1/s' ) for fieldname, field in self.solution.optical.fields.items(): self.add_volume_total('tot:gother_{}'.format(fieldname), field.g, average=False, units='1/s') self.add_volume_total('tot:gabs_{}'.format(fieldname), field.alpha*field.Phi, average=False, units='1/s')
@cached_property def pdd(self): return self.solution.pdd
[docs] def add_quantity(self, name, location_name, value, units): self.meta[''.join(( self.prefix, name, ':', location_name))] = dict( value=value, units=units)
[docs] def add_surface_total( self, k, expr_ds, expr_dS, internal=True, external=True, average=False, units=None): mu = self.pdd.mesh_util for reg_name, reg in self.facets.items(): ds, dS = mu.region_ds_and_dS(reg) dsS = ds + dS value = mu.assemble(ds*expr_ds + dS*expr_dS) if average: area = mu.assemble(dsS.abs()*mu.Constant(1.0)) if area == 0: value = (value * np.nan) / area.units warnings.warn(ZeroAreaWarning( "facet region {!r} has zero area".format(reg_name))) else: value = value / area self.add_quantity(k, reg_name, value.m_as(units), units)
[docs] def add_surface_flux(self, k, expr, **kwargs): mu = self.pdd.mesh_util self.add_surface_total( k,, mu.n),, mu.pside(mu.n)), **kwargs)
[docs] def add_volume_total(self, k, expr, average=False, units=None): mu = self.pdd.mesh_util for reg_name, cregion in self.cells.items(): dx = mu.region_dx(cregion) value = mu.assemble(dx*expr) if average: value = value / mu.assemble(dx*mu.Constant(1.0)) self.add_quantity(k, reg_name, value.m_as(units), units)
[docs]def solution_plot(plotter, s, timestep, solver=None, stepper=None): pdd = s.pdd mesh = pdd.mesh_util.mesh mesh_data = pdd.mesh_data po = pdd.poisson ur = s.unit_registry mu = pdd.mesh_util CG1 = DG0 = DG1 = DG2 = VCG1 = add = plotter.add Vunit = ur.V Eunit = ur.V/ur.mesh_unit eV = ur.eV conc = 1/**3 econc = ur.elementary_charge*conc junit = ur.mA/**2 fluxunit = 1/**2/ur.s alphaunit = 1/ gunit = conc/ur.s add('E', Eunit, po.E, VCG1) add('phi', Vunit, po.phi, DG1) add('thmeq_phi', ur.V, po.thermal_equilibrium_phi, DG1) add('rho', econc, po.rho, DG1) add('static_rho', econc, po.static_rho, DG1) if hasattr(pdd, 'XMoleFraction'): add('XMole', ur.dimensionless, pdd.XMoleFraction, DG1) jays = [] for k, band in pdd.bands.items(): extent = band.extent add('u_'+k, conc, band.u * extent, DG1) add('thmeq_u_'+k, conc, band.thermal_equilibrium_u * extent, DG1) add('qfl_'+k, eV, band.qfl * extent, DG2) add('g_'+k, gunit, band.g * extent, DG1) for procname, proc in pdd.electro_optical_processes.items(): add('g_{}_{}'.format(procname, k), gunit, proc.get_generation(band), DG1) add('j_'+k, junit, band.j, VCG1) jays.append(band.j) add('mobility_'+k, ur('cm^2/V/s'), band.mobility * extent, DG1) if hasattr(band, 'energy_level'): E = band.energy_level ephi = po.phi*ur.elementary_charge add('E_' +k, eV, E * extent, DG1) add('Ephi_'+k, eV, E - ephi * extent, DG1) del E, ephi if hasattr(band, 'mixedqfl_base_w'): add('w_{}_base'.format(k), eV, band.mixedqfl_base_w * extent, DG2) add('w_{}_delta'.format(k), eV, band.mixedqfl_delta_w * extent, DG2) if hasattr(band, 'number_of_states'): add('number_of_states_'+k, conc, band.number_of_states, DG2) if hasattr(band, 'effective_density_of_states'): add('effective_density_of_states_'+k, conc, band.effective_density_of_states, DG2) add('j_tot', junit, reduce(OP.add, jays), VCG1) omu = s.optical.mesh_util oDG1 = for k, o in s.optical.fields.items(): add('opt_Phi_'+k, fluxunit, o.Phi, oDG1) add('opt_gother_'+k, gunit, o.g, oDG1) add('opt_alpha_'+k, alphaunit, o.alpha, oDG1) add('opt_gabs_'+k, gunit, o.alpha*o.Phi, oDG1) if stepper is not None: split_du = pdd.mixed_function_helper.solution_mixed_space.split(stepper.du) # These units should match the trial units in poisson_drift_diffusion1.py1 add('du_E', Eunit, split_du['poisson/E'], VCG1) add('du_phi', Vunit, split_du['poisson/phi'], DG1) for k, b in pdd.bands.items(): add(f'du_{k}_delta_w', eV, split_du[f'{k}/delta_w'], DG1 ) add(f'du_{k}_j', ur.A / ur.mesh_unit**2, split_du[f'{k}/j'], VCG1)