from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import math
import unittest
from builtins import bytes, dict, int, range, str, super
import dolfin
import ufl
from ufl.constantvalue import (
FloatValue, IntValue, ScalarValue, Zero, as_ufl, is_true_ufl_scalar)
from ufl.core.ufl_type import ufl_type
from ufl.mathfunctions import MathFunction
__all__ = ['ExpM1', 'expm1', 'Ln1P', 'ln1p']
note: MathFunction.derivative() is an undocumented attribute which can
be used to specify a function's derivative; see
for usage.
def ufl_mathfunction(f, cls):
# taken from ufl.operators
f = as_ufl(f)
r = cls(f)
if isinstance(r, (ScalarValue, Zero, int, float)):
return float(r)
return r
class ExpM1(MathFunction):
__slots__ = ()
def __new__(cls, argument):
if isinstance(argument, (ScalarValue, Zero)):
return FloatValue(math.expm1(float(argument)))
return MathFunction.__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, argument):
MathFunction.__init__(self, "expm1", argument)
[docs] def derivative(self):
f, = self.ufl_operands
return ufl.exp(f)
class Ln1P(MathFunction):
__slots__ = ()
def __new__(cls, argument):
if isinstance(argument, (ScalarValue, Zero)):
return FloatValue(math.log1p(float(argument)))
return MathFunction.__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, argument):
MathFunction.__init__(self, "log1p", argument)
[docs] def derivative(self):
x, = self.ufl_operands
return 1 / (x + 1)
[docs]def expm1(x):
return ufl_mathfunction(x, ExpM1)
[docs]def ln1p(x):
# TODO: unit test
return ufl_mathfunction(x, Ln1P)
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.mesh = mesh = dolfin.UnitIntervalMesh(30)
self.element = element = dolfin.FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 3)
self.W = W = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
self.u = dolfin.Function(W, name='u')
self.v = dolfin.TestFunction(W)
self.x = dolfin.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)[0]
def test_expm1(self):
x = self.x
u1 = dolfin.project(expm1(x), self.W)
u2 = dolfin.project(dolfin.exp(x)-1.0)
err = dolfin.assemble((u1-u2)**2*dolfin.dx)
self.assertLessEqual(err, 1e-8)
def test_expm1_derivative(self):
''' check that we can take functional derivatives '''
x = self.x
u = self.u
v = self.v
dolfin.project(x, self.W, function=u)
F = expm1(u*u)*v*dolfin.dx - (dolfin.exp(x) - 1.0)*v*dolfin.dx
from ..newtonsolver import NewtonSolver
solver = NewtonSolver(F, u, [])
solver.parameters['relative_tolerance'] = 1e-14
u_e = dolfin.sqrt(x)
err = dolfin.assemble((u - u_e)**2*dolfin.dx)
self.assertLessEqual(err, 1e-8)