Source code for simudo.fem.offset_partitioning
import collections
import numpy as np
from cached_property import cached_property
import dolfin
from ..util import SetattrInitMixin
# example
# 100 101 102 101 50 30 10 11 12 11
# [100 101 102 101] [50 30] [10 11 12 11]
__all__ = ['PartitionOffsets']
[docs]class PartitionOffsets(SetattrInitMixin):
'''Offset partitioner.
function: :py:class:`dolfin.Function`
Input function. Must be DG0 function.
out_function: :py:class:`dolfin.Function`
Output function. If not set, use :py:attr:`function`. Must be DG0
thresholds: sequence
Thresholds, as list of tuples
:code:`(absolute_threshold, relative_threshold)`.
mesh_util: :py:class:`.mesh_util.MeshUtil`
Mesh utilities and data.
Pair `(cells, cellavgs)`, where both are equally sized arrays. The
first array is the indices of BC-adjacent cells, and the second
array are their values.
The algorithm is as follows:
0. All cells are unmarked (have a marker value of nan), and
unseen. The cell queue is empty.
1. The cells adjacent to boundary conditions are placed in the cell
queue. They are marked with the boundary condition value.
2. While there exist unseen cells:
3. If the cell queue is empty, pick one unseen cell and place it
in the cell queue.
4. Remove cell out of queue, and visit it:
5. Consider the current cell as seen.
6. If the cell is already marked, set ``this_marker`` to the marker
value. Otherwise, set ``this_marker`` to the current cell value.
7. For every unmarked and unseen neighbor: if its value is
"close" to our marker value, mark it with ``this_marker``,
and consider it "seen".
8. Add newly-marked cells to the cell queue.
9. If the current cell was unmarked *and* step 7 marked any
cells, mark the current cell with ``this_marker``.
thresholds = ((1e-8, 0.0),)
bc_cells = ((), ())
debug_fill_with_zero_except_bc = False
def out_function(self):
return dolfin.Function(
[docs] def update(self):
# TODO: handle more than 1 threshold
(abs_threshold, rel_threshold), = tuple(
input_function = self.function
out_function = self.out_function
DG0 = input_function.function_space()
mesh = DG0.mesh()
D = mesh.topology().dim()
mesh.init(D, D)
nan = np.nan
isnan = np.isnan
vec = input_function.vector()
N = len(vec)
assert N == mesh.num_cells()
# TODO: check this invariant
# assert all(cell.index == dofmap_cell_dofs(cell.index)[0]
# for cell in dolfin.cells(mesh))
if rel_threshold == 0 and abs_threshold == 0: # optimization
if input_function is not out_function:
out_function.vector()[:] = input_function.vector()[:]
# apply BC on adjacent cells, and we're done
bc_idx, bc_vals = self.bc_cells
out_function.vector()[bc_idx] = bc_vals
result = np.full(N, nan, dtype=np.float64)
# adjacency
cell_to_cells = (self.mesh_util.mesh_data
seen_cells = np.zeros(N, dtype='bool')
seen_cells_index = 0
q = collections.deque()
for cell_index, cell_value in zip(*self.bc_cells):
result[cell_index] = cell_value
if self.debug_fill_with_zero_except_bc:
result[isnan(result)] = 0.0
while True:
if not len(q): # step 3 true branch
# step 3, 4
while (seen_cells_index < N and
seen_cells_index += 1
if seen_cells_index >= N:
break # we're done, no unseen cells remain
cell = seen_cells_index
cell = q.pop() # step 4
seen_cells[cell] = 1 # step 5
# step 6, bookkeeping for step 9
this_marker = result[cell]
was_unmarked = isnan(this_marker)
if was_unmarked:
this_marker = vec[cell]
has_marked_adj_cells = False
for adj in cell_to_cells[cell]:
if seen_cells[adj]:
continue # don't bother with already-seen cells
adj_val = vec[adj]
is_close = (abs(this_marker - adj_val) <=
abs_threshold +
if is_close: # step 7
result[adj] = this_marker
seen_cells[adj] = 1 # step 8
has_marked_adj_cells = True
if has_marked_adj_cells and was_unmarked:
result[cell] = this_marker # step 9
#unmarked = vec if unmarked_use_original else out_function.vector()
unmarked = vec
out_function.vector()[:] = np.where(
isnan(result), unmarked, result)
return out_function
def offsets_to_facetfunction(function, out_ff=None):
function : dolfin.Function
Input DG0 function.
ff : dolfin.MeshFunction
Facet function: equal to 1 if facet separates two cells with
different `function` values, and 0 otherwise.
space = function.function_space()
mesh = space.mesh()
D = mesh.geometry().dim()
vec = function.vector()
ff = out_ff
if not ff:
ff = dolfin.MeshFunction("int", mesh, D-1, 0)
ffv = ff.array()
for facet in dolfin.facets(mesh):
l = facet.entities(D)
if len(l) == 2:
a, b = l
if vec[a] != vec[b]:
ffv[facet.index()] = 1
return ff