Source code for simudo.fem.function_subspace_registry

from __future__ import print_function

import unittest
import warnings
from collections import ChainMap
from itertools import chain as ichain

import numpy as np

import dolfin
import ufl

__all__ = [

def collapse_indices(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)):
        return ichain.from_iterable(collapse_indices(x) for x in obj)
    elif isinstance(obj, ufl.indexed.MultiIndex):
        return collapse_indices(obj[0])
    elif isinstance(obj, ufl.indexed.FixedIndex):
        return (int(obj),)
    elif isinstance(obj, int):
        return (obj,)
        raise TypeError("unexpected type {!r} for {!r}".format(type(obj), obj))

[docs]class FSRError(Exception): pass
[docs]class AssignmentError(FSRError): pass
[docs]class FunctionTypeError(AssignmentError, TypeError): pass
[docs]class IncompatibleFunctionSpacesError(AssignmentError): pass
class FunctionSpaceWrapper(object): '''wew''' def __init__(self, function_space): self.function_space = function_space def __hash__(self): s = self.function_space return hash((s.ufl_element(), s.mesh().id())) def __eq__(self, other): return self.function_space == other.function_space def __repr__(self): return "<{} {!r}>".format(type(self).__name__, self.function_space) # TODO: make _subspaces values be objects themselves instead of dicts
[docs]class FunctionSubspaceRegistry(object): '''\ The FEniCS API does not provide any obvious way of retrieving the function space of the result of dolfin.split(mixed_function). This class keeps track of those function spaces. Also, FunctionAssigner is broken, so we're also taking over that functionality. ''' def __init__(self): self._subspaces = {}
[docs] def register(self, function_space, _root_space=None, _subfunction=None): # TODO: do this without creating a function subspaces_dict = self._subspaces root_space = (function_space if _root_space is None else _root_space) if function_space is root_space: # avoid registering same space twice root_key = self._subspace_key_for_root_space(root_space) if root_key in subspaces_dict: return else: subspaces_dict[root_key] = dict( root_space=root_space, subspace=root_space, subspace_copy=root_space) self._compute_dofmap_data(root_key) func = (dolfin.Function(function_space) if _subfunction is None else _subfunction) xs = tuple(dolfin.split(func)) for i, x in enumerate(xs): try: subspace = function_space.sub(i) except ValueError: if len(xs) != 1: raise AssertionError() break # subspace_copy = dolfin.FunctionSpace( # subspace.mesh(), subspace.ufl_element()) subspace_copy = subspace.collapse() self.register(subspace_copy) subspace_key = self._subspace_key(x) subspaces_dict[subspace_key] = dict( root_space=root_space, subspace=subspace, subspace_copy=subspace_copy) self._compute_dofmap_data(subspace_key) if subspace.num_sub_spaces(): self.register(subspace, root_space, _subfunction=x)
[docs] def Function(self, space, *args, **kwargs): func = dolfin.Function(space, *args, **kwargs) self.register(space, _subfunction=func) return func
def _subspace_key(self, subfunction): _, space, indices = ( self.get_full_function_functionspace_indices(subfunction)) return (FunctionSpaceWrapper(space), indices) def _subspace_key_for_root_space(self, space): return (FunctionSpaceWrapper(space), None)
[docs] def get_full_function_functionspace_indices(self, u, no_indices=False): if isinstance(u, ufl.indexed.Indexed): coefficient, indices = u.ufl_operands space = coefficient.function_space() elif isinstance(u, ufl.tensors.ListTensor): entries = tuple(self.get_full_function_functionspace_indices( e, no_indices=no_indices) for e in list(u)) coefficient, space = entries[0][0:2] if not no_indices: indices = tuple(e[2] for e in entries) else: indices = None elif (isinstance(u, ufl.coefficient.Coefficient) and hasattr(u, 'function_space')): space = u.function_space() coefficient = u indices = None self.register(space) else: raise FunctionTypeError() if indices is not None and not no_indices: indices = tuple(collapse_indices(indices)) return (coefficient, space, indices)
[docs] def get_full_function_functionspace(self, u): return self.get_full_function_functionspace_indices( u, no_indices=True)[:2]
[docs] def get_function_space(self, subfunction, collapsed=False): '''Get function space for a (sub)function. Use collapsed=True to return a fresh independent/unattached copy.''' # if hasattr(subfunction, 'function_space'): # return subfunction.function_space() return self._subspaces[self._subspace_key(subfunction)][ 'subspace_copy' if collapsed else 'subspace']
[docs] def new_independent_function(self, subfunction): return dolfin.Function( self.get_function_space(subfunction, collapsed=True))
def _compute_dofmap_data(self, subspace_key): # cmapv = collapse map values d = self._subspaces[subspace_key] ss = d['subspace'] ssc = ss if ss is d['root_space'] else ss.collapse() ssdofmap = ss.dofmap() sscdofmap = ssc.dofmap() d['subdofmap'] = ssdofmap d['dofmap'] = sscdofmap # # proof that sscdofmap is boring # a = list(sscdofmap.dofs()) # assert a == list(range(len(a))) # why mesh = ss.mesh() cmapv = np.zeros(ss.dim(), dtype='int32') for i in range(3): cmapv[sscdofmap.dofs(mesh, i)] = ssdofmap.dofs(mesh, i) d['cmapv'] = cmapv # FIXME: select call based on version def _compute_dofmap_data_FENICS2017(self, subspace_key): # cmapv = collapse map values d = self._subspaces[subspace_key] ss = d['subspace'] d['subdofmap'] = subdofmap = ss.dofmap() dofmap, cmap = subdofmap.collapse(ss.mesh()) d['dofmap'] = dofmap d['cmap'] = cmap cmapv = cmap.values() cmapv = d['cmapv'] = np.fromiter( iter(cmapv), dtype=np.uint32, count=len(cmapv))
[docs] def get_vector_and_subspace_info(self, subfunction): k = self._subspace_key(subfunction) info = self._subspaces[k] # if hasattr(subfunction, 'function_space'): # space = subfunction.function_space() # func = subfunction # else: space = info['subspace'] func = self.get_full_function_functionspace(subfunction)[0] return (func.vector(), info)
def _same_space(self, s1, s2): return ((s1.mesh().ufl_id() == s2.mesh().ufl_id()) and (s1.ufl_element() == s2.ufl_element()))
[docs] def get_vector_and_indices(self, function): v, inf = self.get_vector_and_subspace_info(function) return (v, inf['cmapv'])
[docs] def entity_dofs(self, function, dim, entities): ''' entities must be uintp array ''' vec, inf = self.get_vector_and_subspace_info(function) return (vec, inf['dofmap'].entity_dofs( inf['subspace'].mesh(), dim, entities))
[docs] def assign(self, target, source, coefficient=1.0, offset=0.0, ignore_incompatible=False): dv, d_inf = self.get_vector_and_subspace_info(target) sv, s_inf = self.get_vector_and_subspace_info(source) dS = d_inf['subspace'] sS = s_inf['subspace'] ds = d_inf['cmapv'] ss = s_inf['cmapv'] if not self._same_space(dS, sS): if ignore_incompatible: warnings.warn(RuntimeWarning( "possibly incompatible function spaces dst={!r} and src={!r}" .format(dS, sS))) else: raise IncompatibleFunctionSpacesError() dv[ds] = sv[ss] if coefficient==1.0 else sv[ss]*coefficient if offset != 0.0: dv[ds] += offset
[docs] def assign_scalar(self, target, scalar): dv, d_inf = self.get_vector_and_subspace_info(target) ds = d_inf['cmapv'] dv[ds] = scalar
[docs] def copy(self, subfunction): f = self.new_independent_function(subfunction) self.assign(f, subfunction) return f
[docs] def clear(self): self._subspaces.clear()
[docs] @classmethod def from_union(cls, function_subspace_registries): '''This creates a registry that is the union of several other registries, and can therefore handle any spaces found within them.''' ss = ChainMap(*([{}] + [fsr._subspaces for fsr in function_subspace_registries])) fsr = cls() fsr._subspaces = ss return fsr
# FIXME: make this unit test more complete class FSubRegTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): from dolfin import (MixedElement as MixE, Function, FunctionSpace, FiniteElement, VectorElement, UnitSquareMesh) self.mesh = mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10) muc = mesh.ufl_cell self.fe1 = FiniteElement("CG", muc(), 1) self.fe2 = FiniteElement("CG", muc(), 2) self.ve1 = VectorElement("CG", muc(), 2, 2) = ( MixE([self.fe1, self.fe2]), MixE([MixE([self.ve1, self.fe2]), self.fe1, self.ve1, self.fe2]), # MixE([self.fe1]), # broken ) self.W = [FunctionSpace(mesh, me) for me in] self.w = [Function(W) for W in self.W] self.reg = FunctionSubspaceRegistry() self.x = dolfin.SpatialCoordinate(mesh) for W in self.W: self.reg.register(W) def FunctionSpace(self, element): space = dolfin.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, element) self.reg.register(space) return space def get_expr(self, space, constant): x = self.x return dolfin.project(x[0] - 0.5*x[1] + dolfin.Constant(constant), space) def get_vect_expr(self, space, constant, components): x = self.x return dolfin.project(dolfin.as_vector( tuple(x[0] - 0.5*x[1] + dolfin.Constant(constant/(i+1.0)) for i in range(components))), space) def test_vect(self): a = dolfin.split(dolfin.split(self.w[1])[0])[0] self.assigncheck(a, self.get_vect_expr(self.FunctionSpace(self.ve1), 1, 2)) a = dolfin.split(self.w[1])[2] self.assigncheck(a, self.get_vect_expr(self.FunctionSpace(self.ve1), 1, 2)) def test_scalar_W0(self): w = self.w[0] f1, f2 = dolfin.split(w) gah = self.reg.get_full_function_functionspace_indices a = gah(f1) b = gah(f2) self.assertEqual(a[:2], b[:2]) self.do_test_scalar(f1, self.FunctionSpace(self.fe1)) self.do_test_scalar(f2, self.FunctionSpace(self.fe2)) def test_scalar_W2(self): ''' FIXME: This DOESN'T work. Specifically, FunctionSubspaceRegistry is broken for spaces that are MixedElement with a single element. I'm not yet sure how to fix it. ''' # w = self.w[2] # f1, = dolfin.split(w) # self.do_test_scalar(f1, self.FunctionSpace(self.fe1)) def do_test_scalar(self, subvar, space): x = self.x v = dolfin.Function(space) v.assign(dolfin.project(x[0]**2 - x[1]**3 + 0.5, space)) self.assigncheck(subvar, v) def test_scalar(self): w = self.w[0] x = self.x space = self.FunctionSpace(self.fe1) v = dolfin.Function(space) v.assign(dolfin.project(x[0]**2 - x[1]**3 + 0.5, space)) f1, f2 = dolfin.split(self.w[0]) gah = self.reg.get_full_function_functionspace_indices a = gah(f1) b = gah(f2) self.assertEqual(a[:2], b[:2]) self.assigncheck(f1, v) def test_entity_dofs(self): space = self.FunctionSpace(self.fe1) x = self.x expr = x[0] + 2*x[1] u = dolfin.project(expr, space) vertices_positions = self.mesh.coordinates() vertices = np.arange(vertices_positions.shape[0], dtype='uintp') vec, dofs = self.reg.entity_dofs(u, 0, vertices) # arr = vec.array() ## <-- DOLFIN2018 arr = vec for vertex, position in enumerate(vertices_positions): dof = dofs[vertex] y = arr[dof] self.assertLessEqual(abs(y - u(position)), 10*dolfin.DOLFIN_EPS) def assigncheck(self, target, source): import numpy as np reg = self.reg reg.assign(target, source) # check integrated error error = (target - source)**2*dolfin.dx err = np.sqrt(np.abs(dolfin.assemble(error))) self.assertLessEqual(err, 1e-8) v0, d0 = reg.get_vector_and_subspace_info(target) v1, d1 = reg.get_vector_and_subspace_info(source) # broken on dolfin2018 # # sanity check for dofmap/subdofmap/cmap assumptions # for d in (d0, d1): # self.assertEqual(frozenset(d['subdofmap'].dofs()), frozenset(d['cmap'].values())) # self.assertEqual(tuple(d['dofmap'].dofs()), tuple(d['cmap'].keys())) def tab(space): cs = space.tabulate_dof_coordinates() n = space.dim() d = space.mesh().geometry().dim() return cs.reshape((n, d)) dc0 = tab(d0['root_space']) dc1 = tab(d1['root_space']) cm0, cm1 = (d['cmapv'] for d in (d0, d1)) for cell in dolfin.cells(self.mesh): cell_index = cell.index() cd0 = d0['dofmap'].cell_dofs(cell_index) cd1 = d1['dofmap'].cell_dofs(cell_index) # check that values match up self.assertLessEqual(np.max(np.abs(v1[cm1[cd1]] - v0[cm0[cd0]])), 1e-8) # check that coordinates match up for i0, i1 in zip(cd0, cd1): x0 = dc0[cm0[i0]] x1 = dc1[cm1[i1]] np.testing.assert_allclose(x0, x1, rtol=0, atol=1e-8) # check that point is actually inside cell x0c = x0.copy() x0c.resize((3,)) p = dolfin.Point(x0c) self.assertLessEqual(cell.distance(p), 1e-8) # self.assertTrue(cell.contains(p)) # unreliable af >_<