import unittest
import numpy as np
from numpy import array as npa
import dolfin
import ufl
from ufl.core.expr import Expr as ufl_Expr
from ufl.equation import Equation as ufl_Equation
__all__ = [
[docs]def tuple_to_point(xs):
xs = tuple(xs)
l = 3 - len(xs)
if l > 0:
xs = xs + (0,)*l
return dolfin.Point(np.array(xs))
[docs]def point_to_array(p):
v = np.zeros(3)
v[0] = p[0]
v[1] = p[1]
v[2] = p[2]
return v
[docs]def is_ufl_like(expr):
return isinstance(expr, (ufl_Expr, ufl_Equation))
[docs]def force_ufl(expr, zero=None):
''' Certain functions, like :py:func:`dolfin.project`, expect the
expression to be a UFL form, and crash if it's a plain old float. This
function converts such a constant value into a ufl expression. '''
if hasattr(expr, 'magnitude'):
return expr.units * force_ufl(expr.magnitude)
if is_ufl_like(expr):
return expr
if zero is None:
zero = dolfin.Constant(0.0)
return zero + expr
[docs]def constantify_if_literal(value):
'''If the argument is not a UFL expression, assume it is a
floating point number or array, and pass it to
:py:meth:`dolfin.Constant`. This avoids re-compilation when the
literal value changes.
if hasattr(value, 'magnitude'):
u = value.units
value = value.magnitude
u = None
if not hasattr(value, 'ufl_shape'):
value = dolfin.Constant(value)
if u is not None:
value = u * value
return value
UserExpression = dolfin.UserExpression
[docs]class CellMidpointExpression(UserExpression):
def __init__(self, mesh, **kwargs):
self.mesh = mesh
[docs] def eval_cell(self, values, x, cell):
c = dolfin.Cell(self.mesh, cell.index)
m = c.midpoint()
for i in range(len(values)):
values[i] = m[i]
[docs]def scalar_function_to_Expression(f):
class MyExpression(UserExpression):
def eval(self, values, x):
values[0] = f(x)
return MyExpression
[docs]def vector_function_to_Expression(f):
class MyExpression(UserExpression):
def eval(self, values, x):
y = f(x)
for i in range(len(values)):
values[i] = y[i]
return MyExpression
def _make_binary_search_tree(expr, mapping):
mapping = tuple(sorted(mapping))
max_key = mapping[-1][0]
N = len(mapping)
k = (N - 1).bit_length()
def _tree(base, length):
if base >= N:
return 0.0
if length == 1:
return mapping[base][1]
elif length > 1:
l2 = length//2
if base + l2 >= N: # no right side
return _tree(base, l2)
cut = (mapping[base + l2][0] + mapping[base + l2 - 1][0]) / 2
return dolfin.conditional(, cut),
_tree(base , l2),
_tree(base + l2, l2))
raise AssertionError()
return _tree(0, 2**k)
# print(_make_binary_search_tree(dolfin.Constant(0.5),
# [(i, dolfin.Constant(i))
# for i in range(4)]))
def make_cell_function_expression(cell_function, **kwargs):
class _CellFunctionCases(UserExpression):
def eval_cell(self, values, x, cell):
values[0] = cell_function[cell.index]
return _CellFunctionCases(**kwargs)
def make_cases_expression(cell_function_function, mapping):
return _make_binary_search_tree(cell_function_function, mapping)
[docs]class CellFunctionFunction(object):
def __init__(self, cell_function, DG0_space):
self.cell_function_value_set = frozenset(cell_function.array())
expr = make_cell_function_expression(
cell_function, element=DG0_space.ufl_element())
self.function = dolfin.project(expr, DG0_space)
[docs] def make_cases(self, mapping, default=0.0):
mapping = dict(mapping)
for k in self.cell_function_value_set:
if k not in mapping:
mapping[k] = default
return make_cases_expression(self.function, mapping.items())
[docs]def dofs_coordinates(function_space):
dim = function_space.mesh().geometry().dim()
return function_space.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape((-1, dim))
[docs]def mesh_bbox(mesh):
'''compute mesh bounding box'''
coords = mesh.coordinates().view()
def _lims(axis):
return coords[:,axis].min(), coords[:,axis].max()
return npa(tuple(_lims(i) for i in range(mesh.geometry().dim())))
[docs]def bbox_vecs(bbox):
''' r[i,j,k] == (bbox[i,j] if i==k else 0)
example use:
(left, right), (bottom, top) = bbox_vecs(bbox)
v = (bottom+top) / 2 + 1/3 * left + 2/3 * right
bbox = bbox.reshape(bbox.size//2, 2)
r = np.stack([np.diagflat(bbox[:,i]) for i in (0, 1)], axis=0)
return np.einsum('jik', r)
def interp(x, y0, y1=None):
if y1 is None:
y0, y1 = y0
return (1-x)*y0 + x*y1
def value_shape(expr):
# TODO: extent to expressions
shape1 = expr.ufl_shape
if hasattr(expr, 'value_dimension'):
shape2 = tuple(int(expr.value_dimension(k))
for k in range(expr.value_rank()))
assert shape1 == shape2
return shape1
class CellEdgesExpression(UserExpression):
def __init__(self, mesh, **kwargs):
self.mesh = mesh
def eval_cell(self, values, x, cell):
c = dolfin.Cell(self.mesh, cell.index)
m = c.midpoint()
for i in range(len(values)):
values[i] = m[i]
def interpolate(expr, space, u=None):
''' `space` should be CG1
Note: This only exists because `dolfin.interpolate` doesn't work on
ufl expressions.
if u is None:
u = dolfin.Function(space)
v = dolfin.TestFunction(space)
result = dolfin.assemble(, v)*dolfin.dP)
u.vector()[:] = result.array()
return u
def _make_binary_search_tree_for_interpolation(expr, mapping):
mapping = tuple(sorted(mapping))
max_key = mapping[-1][0]
N = len(mapping)
k = (N - 1).bit_length()
def _tree(base, length):
if base >= N:
return 0.0
if length == 1:
return mapping[base][1]
elif length > 1:
l2 = length // 2
if base + l2 >= N: # no right side
return _tree(base, l2)
cut = mapping[base + l2 - 1][0]
return dolfin.conditional(, cut), _tree(base, l2), _tree(base + l2, l2)
raise AssertionError()
return _tree(0, 2 ** k)
[docs]def dolfin_interp1d(variable, X, Y, fill_value):
Create 1D interpolator.
UFL "x" variable or expression that will be evaluated.
X values. Must be Python floats.
Y values. Can be numerical constants or dolfin expressions.
Like in :py:func:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d`.
mapping = list(zip(X, Y))
if not mapping:
raise AssertionError("mapping must have at least one expression")
new = []
new.append((mapping[0][0], fill_value[0]))
for i in range(len(mapping) - 1):
x0, v0 = mapping[i]
x1, v1 = mapping[i + 1]
x0 = float(x0)
x1 = float(x1)
t = (variable - x0) / (x1 - x0)
new.append((x1, v0 + t * (v1 - v0)))
new.append((float("inf"), fill_value[1]))
return _make_binary_search_tree_for_interpolation(variable, new)
class TestThisModule(unittest.TestCase):
def maxdiff(self, u, v):
return np.max(np.abs(
u.vector().array() - v.vector().array()))
def test_extract_nodal_CG1(self):
mesh = dolfin.UnitSquareMesh(16, 16)
el = dolfin.VectorElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
CG1 = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh, el)
e_expr = dolfin.Expression(("x[0]-2*exp(x[1])", "x[0]*x[1]"), degree=1)
x = dolfin.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
e_ufl = dolfin.as_vector((x[0]-2*dolfin.exp(x[1]), x[0]*x[1]))
u0 = dolfin.interpolate(e_expr, CG1)
u_nodal = interpolate(e_ufl, CG1) # nodal values
u_proj = dolfin.project(e_ufl, CG1) # projection/averaging
maxdiff = self.maxdiff
self.assertLess (maxdiff(u0, u_nodal), 2*dolfin.DOLFIN_EPS)
self.assertGreater(maxdiff(u0, u_proj ), 2*dolfin.DOLFIN_EPS)