Source code for simudo.example.marti2002.marti2002_plot

# simudo=a04dde44ef34d2843e624b99aee80dd02100ff51

from simudo.plot import (
    arg_matplotlib, df_add_drift_diffusion_terms)
from simudo.util import (
    outdir_path_helper, mkdirp, TODO, with_default_kwargs,
    read_xcsv, to_xcsv)
from argh import expects_obj
from import h5yaml
from tabulate import tabulate
import pandas as pd
import lzma
import os
import itertools
import functools
from functools import partial
import re
from os import path as osp
import glob
from argh import ArghParser, arg
import numpy as np
from cycler import cycler
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, MaxNLocator, MultipleLocator
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec, GridSpecFromSubplotSpec
from collections import OrderedDict
import shutil
import tqdm


# extract JV data
python3 extract-jv out/ out/marti02\ */

# copy data and JV points at maximum power point on each JV curve
python3 copy-mpp --out out.mpp/ --jv out/JV.csv

# plot spatial components of current
python3 plot-detail-j --usetex --out out.plot/ --jv-mpp out.mpp/JV_mpp.csv --spatial-input-dir out.mpp/

# plot bands (spatially)
python3 plot-bands --usetex --out out.plot/ --jv out/JV.csv --spatial-input-dir out.mpp/

# plot IB fill factors (spatially)
python3 plot-fs --usetex --out out.plot/ --jv-mpp out.mpp/JV_mpp.csv --spatial-input-dir out.mpp/

# plot JV curves
python3 plot-jv --usetex --out out.plot/ --jv out/JV.csv

COLOR = { # thanks to emily for color scheme
    'blue' : '#817aab',
    'red'  : '#d33d3c',
    'green': '#78c583'}

BANDS = OrderedDict([
    ('CB', dict(color=COLOR['blue' ], sym='C')),
    ('IB', dict(color=COLOR['red'  ], sym='I')),
    ('VB', dict(color=COLOR['green'], sym='V'))])

ABSORPTIONS = OrderedDict([
    ('cv', dict(color='blue')),
    ('ci', dict(color='red')),
    ('iv', dict(color='orange'))])

[docs]def plot_current( df, x_unit): Jscale = 1e-3 Junit = 'A' fig, ax = plt.subplots() for band_name, band in BANDS.items(): ax.plot(df['x'], df['j_'+band_name] * Jscale, label='$j_{}$'.format(band['sym']), color=band['color']) ax.set_xlabel('position ({})'.format(x_unit)) ax.set_ylabel(r'current density ($\mathrm{{{}}}/\mathrm{{cm}}^{{2}}$)' .format(Junit)) ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_subcurrents( df, x_unit, concentration_factor, symlog=True): conc_scale = 1/concentration_factor Jscale = 1 * conc_scale * -1 Junit = 'mA' fig, ax = plt.subplots() for band_name, band in BANDS.items(): ax.plot(df['x'], df['j_drift_'+band_name] * Jscale, label=r'$j_{{{},\mathrm{{drift}}}}$'.format(band['sym']), color=band['color'], alpha=0.7) ax.plot(df['x'], df['j_diffusion_'+band_name] * Jscale, label=r'$j_{{{},\mathrm{{diff}}}}$'.format(band['sym']), color=band['color'], linestyle='dashed') j_expr_str = '-J' if symlog else '|J|' ax.set_xlabel('position ({})'.format(x_unit)) ax.set_ylabel(r'${}/X$ ($\mathrm{{{}}}/\mathrm{{cm}}^{{2}}$)' .format(j_expr_str, Junit)) if symlog: ax.set_yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e-6) else: ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim([1e-3, None]) ax.grid(True) ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_qfl( df, x_unit): fig, ax = plt.subplots() for band_name, band in BANDS.items(): ax.plot(df['x'], df['Ephi_'+band_name], label='_nolegend_', color=band['color'], alpha=0.5) for band_name, band in BANDS.items(): ax.plot(df['x'], df['qfl_'+band_name], label='$w_{{{}}}$'.format(band['sym']), color=band['color'], linestyle='dashed') ax.set_xlabel('position ({})'.format(x_unit)) ax.set_ylabel(r'quasi-Fermi level ($\mathrm{eV}$)') ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_Phi( df, x_unit): fig, ax = plt.subplots() for ab_name, ab in ABSORPTIONS.items(): ax.plot(df['x'], df['Phi_forward_'+ab_name], label='$\Phi_{{{}}}$'.format(ab_name), color=ab['color']) ax.set_xlabel('position ({})'.format(x_unit)) ax.set_ylabel(r'photon flux ($1/\mathrm{cm}^{2}/\mathrm{s}$)') ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_g( df, x_unit): fig, ax = plt.subplots() for band_name, band in BANDS.items(): ax.plot( df['x'], df['g_'+band_name], label='$g_{{{}}}$'.format(band_name), color=band['color']) ax.set_xlabel('position ({})'.format(x_unit)) ax.set_ylabel(r'generation ($1/\mathrm{cm}^{2}/\mathrm{s}$)') ax.set_yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e9) ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_main(basename, submitfile, savefig): df = pd.read_csv(basename + '.csv.0') df_add_drift_diffusion_terms(df) concentration_factor = float( submitfile['parameters']['concentration_factor']) df['x'] = df['coord_x'] * 1e3 x_unit = r'$\mathrm{nm}$' plot_kwargs = dict( df=df, x_unit=x_unit) if concentration_factor > 0: fig = plot_subcurrents( concentration_factor=concentration_factor, **plot_kwargs) savefig(fig, basename + ' xplot js') plt.close(fig) fig = plot_current(**plot_kwargs) savefig(fig, basename + ' xplot j') plt.close(fig) fig = plot_qfl(**plot_kwargs) savefig(fig, basename + ' xplot qfl') plt.close(fig) fig = plot_Phi(**plot_kwargs) savefig(fig, basename + ' xplot Phi') plt.close(fig) fig = plot_g(**plot_kwargs) savefig(fig, basename + ' xplot g') plt.close(fig)
# FIXME: hardcoded because I'm stupid IB_SPATIAL_RANGE = (1050.0, 1050.0 + 1300)
[docs]def df_mask_IB(df): df["IB_exists"] = exists = df['x'].between(*IB_SPATIAL_RANGE) df["IB_mask"] = mask = exists.replace({True: 1.0, False: np.nan}) for k in ['j_IB', 'qfl_IB', 'Ephi_IB']: df[k] *= mask
[docs]def extract_IB_region_only(df): df = df.copy() df['x'] -= IB_SPATIAL_RANGE[0] df = df[df['x'].between(0, IB_SPATIAL_RANGE[1] - IB_SPATIAL_RANGE[0])] return df
[docs]@arg('input_dir') @arg('V', default='1.25') @arg_matplotlib() @expects_obj def make_fs_plot(args): savefig = args.matplotlib_savefig out = outdir_path_helper(args.out) V = args.V input_dir = args.input_dir input_dir = input_dir.rstrip('/') + '/' fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots() fig4, ax4 = plt.subplots() fig5, ax5 = plt.subplots() x_unit = r'$\mathrm{nm}$' for mu_str in [ '0.001', '0.01', '0.1', '1', '30', '100', '300']: mdir = 'marti02 X=1e3 mu={} s_ci=1e-12 s_iv=2e-13'.format(mu_str) base = os.path.join( input_dir, mdir, 'a parameter={} csvplot'.format(V)) df = pd.read_csv(base + '.csv.0') df['x'] = df['coord_x'] * 1e3 df = extract_IB_region_only(df, None) df = df[df['x'].between(250, 1000)] # Jacob request label = r'$\mu={}$'.format(mu_str) N_IB = 1e17 ax.plot(df['x'], df['u_IB'] / N_IB, label=label, alpha=0.6) grad_qfl = np.gradient(df['qfl_IB'], df['x']) ax2.plot(df['x'], grad_qfl, label=label, alpha=0.6) ax3.plot(df['x'], df['E'], label=label, alpha=0.6) ax4.plot(df['x'], df['qfl_IB'], label=label, alpha=0.6) ax5.plot(df['x'], df['qfl_IB'] - df['Ephi_IB'], label=label, alpha=0.6) for a in (ax, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5): a.set_xlabel(r'position ({})'.format(x_unit)) a.grid(True) ax.set_ylabel(r'IB filling fraction') ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\nabla w_{\mathrm{IB}}$ ($\mathrm{eV/nm}$)') ax3.set_ylabel(r'electric field ($\mathrm{V/cm}$)') ax4.set_ylabel(r'$w_{\mathrm{IB}}$ ($\mathrm{eV}$)') ax5.set_ylabel( r'$w_{\mathrm{IB}} + eV - \mathcal{E}_{\mathrm{IB}}$ ($\mathrm{eV}$)') ax2.set_yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e-8) ax3.set_yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e-8) # ax4.set_yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e-8) # ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax.legend() ax2.legend() ax3.legend() ax4.legend() ax5.legend() fig.tight_layout() fig2.tight_layout() fig3.tight_layout() fig4.tight_layout() fig5.tight_layout() savefig(fig, input_dir + 'IBfs V={}'.format(V)) savefig(fig2, input_dir + 'IBgradqfls V={}'.format(V)) savefig(fig3, input_dir + 'IBE V={}'.format(V)) savefig(fig4, input_dir + 'IBqfls V={}'.format(V)) savefig(fig5, input_dir + 'IBphiqfl V={}'.format(V))
[docs]@arg('input_dir') def voltage_step_plots(input_dir, usetex=False, pdf=False): r = [] for f in os.listdir(input_dir): before, sep, after = f.rpartition('.plot_meta.yaml') if sep and not after: r.append(os.path.join(input_dir, before)) submitfile = h5yaml.load(os.path.join(input_dir, 'submit.yaml')) for basename in r: if 'parameter=1.25' not in basename: continue plot_main( basename=basename, usetex=usetex, pdf=pdf, submitfile=submitfile)
voltage_step_re = re.compile( r'a parameter=(\S+) csvplot\.plot_meta\.yaml$')
[docs]@arg('out_dir') @arg('input_dirs', nargs='*') @expects_obj def extract_jv(args): out_dir = outdir_path_helper(args.out_dir) input_dirs = args.input_dirs rows = [] for input_dir in tqdm.tqdm(input_dirs): submit = h5yaml.load(os.path.join(input_dir, 'submit.yaml')) spar = submit['parameters'] for f in os.listdir(input_dir): m = voltage_step_re.match(f) if not m: continue V_ext = filename = os.path.join(input_dir, f) tree = h5yaml.load(filename) # integrals = tree['integrals'] d = dict( IB_mobility=float(spar['IB_mobility']), IB_thickness=float(spar['IB_thickness']), IB_sigma_ci=float(spar['IB_sigma_ci']), IB_sigma_iv=float(spar['IB_sigma_iv']), concentration_factor=float(spar['concentration_factor']), V=float(V_ext), j_tot_nc=( tree['avg:current_CB:n_contact']['value'] + tree['avg:current_VB:n_contact']['value'] )) for k, v in tree.items(): d["integrals:"+k] = v d['filename'] = filename rows.append(d) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) to_xcsv(df, out_dir + "JV.csv")
[docs]@arg('--out', required=True) @arg('--jv', required=True) @arg_matplotlib() @expects_obj def plot_jv_old(args): savefig = args.matplotlib_savefig out = outdir_path_helper(args.out) df = read_xcsv(args.jv)[0] df = df[df['IB_sigma_ci'] == 1e-12] mus = list(df['IB_mobility'].unique()) mus.sort(key=float) fig, ax = plt.subplots() j_min = 0 for mu in mus: df2 = df[((df['IB_mobility'] == mu) & (df['concentration_factor'] == 1e3))] j = df2['j_tot_nc'] / df2['concentration_factor'] j_min = min(j_min, j.min()) ax.plot(df2['V'], j, label=r"$\mu={}$".format(mu), marker='.') ax.set_xlabel(r'applied bias ($\mathrm{V}$)') ax.set_ylabel(r'$J_{\mathrm{tot}} / X$ ($\mathrm{mA/cm^2}$)') #ax.set_ylim([j_min*1.05, 0]) ax.set_ylim([-55, -48]) ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() savefig(fig, out + 'JV mus')
SIGMA_CI_TO_LABEL = { 2e-13: r'$\sigma_{\mathrm{ci}} = \sigma_{\mathrm{iv}}$', 1e-12: r'$\sigma_{\mathrm{ci}} = 5\,\sigma_{\mathrm{iv}}$' } SIGMA_CI_TO_LS = { 2e-13: 'solid', 1e-12: 'dotted', } SIGMA_CI_TO_MARKER = { 2e-13: 'x', 1e-12: '.', }
[docs]@arg('--out', required=True) @arg('--jv', required=True) @arg_matplotlib(default_font_size=14) @expects_obj def plot_jv(args): savefig = args.matplotlib_savefig out = outdir_path_helper(args.out) df = read_xcsv(args.jv)[0] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.8, 6.4), dpi=100) gs0 = GridSpec( ncols=1, nrows=2, figure=fig, left=0.2, right=0.95, top=0.97, bottom=0.1, wspace=0.00, hspace=0.25, height_ratios=[1, 1]) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs0[0, 0]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs0[1, 0]) def _ll(ax, *args, **kwargs): ax.plot([], [], *args, **kwargs) sigma_ci_to_ls = SIGMA_CI_TO_LS sigma_ci_to_label = SIGMA_CI_TO_LABEL ax = ax0 for sigma_ci, mu in itertools.product( [2e-13, 1e-12], [0.001, 300.0]): df1 = df[(df.IB_mobility == mu) & (df.IB_sigma_ci == sigma_ci) & (df.concentration_factor > 0)] color = COLOR['red' if mu == 300.0 else 'blue'] ls = sigma_ci_to_ls[sigma_ci] j = df1['j_tot_nc'] / df1['concentration_factor'] ax.plot(df1.V, j, color=color, linestyle=ls, label='_nolegend_' # label="${}$ ${}$".format(sigma_ci, mu) ) # by Jacob's request # _ll(ax, color='black', linestyle='solid', # label=sigma_ci_to_label[2e-13]) # _ll(ax, color='black', linestyle='dotted', # label=sigma_ci_to_label[1e-12]) _ll(ax, color=COLOR['red'], label=r'$\mu_{I} = 300\;\mathrm{cm^2/V/s}$') _ll(ax, color=COLOR['blue'], label=r'$\mu_{I} = 0.001\;\mathrm{cm^2/V/s}$') ax.set_ylim([-55, -48.5]) ax.set_xlim([0, 1.35]) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel(r'applied bias ($\mathrm{V}$)') ax.set_ylabel(r'$J_{\mathrm{tot}} / X$ ($\mathrm{mA/cm^2}$)') ax = ax1 df1 = df[(df.V == 0.0) & (df.concentration_factor > 0)] # mus = list(sorted(df['IB_mobility'].unique())) for sigma_ci in [2e-13, 1e-12]: df2 = df1[df1['IB_sigma_ci'] == sigma_ci] df2 = df2.sort_values('IB_mobility') j = df2['j_tot_nc'] / df2['concentration_factor'] ls = sigma_ci_to_ls[sigma_ci] ax.plot(df2.IB_mobility, j, linestyle=ls, color='black', label=sigma_ci_to_label[sigma_ci], marker=SIGMA_CI_TO_MARKER[sigma_ci]) # ax.set_xlim([1e-3, 300]) ax.set_ylim([-54.5, -53]) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.legend() ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(0.5)) ax.set_xlabel(r'IB mobility ($\mathrm{cm^2/V/s}$)') ax.set_ylabel(r'$J_{SC} / X$ ($\mathrm{mA/cm^2}$)') savefig(fig, out + 'marti02_final_JVs')
CASE_KEYS = [ 'IB_mobility', 'IB_sigma_ci', 'IB_sigma_iv', 'concentration_factor']
[docs]@arg('--out', required=True) @arg('--jv', required=True) @expects_obj def copy_mpp(args): out = outdir_path_helper(args.out) df = read_xcsv(args.jv, read_csv_kwargs=dict(index_col=0))[0] = 'index' df['P'] = -df.j_tot_nc*df.V df = df[df.concentration_factor > 0] df_mpp = df.sort_values('P', ascending=False).drop_duplicates(CASE_KEYS) df_jsc = df[df.V.abs() < 1e-10].drop_duplicates(CASE_KEYS) # df1 = df1.sort_values('index') df1 = pd.concat([df_mpp, df_jsc]) for index, row in df1.iterrows(): filename = row['filename'] base = osp.dirname(filename) for oldname in [ filename, filename.rpartition('.plot_meta.yaml')[0] + '.csv.0', osp.join(base, 'submit.yaml')]: newname = osp.join(out, oldname) mkdirp(osp.dirname(newname)) print(oldname, newname) shutil.copyfile(oldname, newname) to_xcsv(df_mpp, out + "JV_mpp.csv") to_xcsv(df1 , out + "JV_mpp_and_jsc.csv")
[docs]def common_load_spatial_data(spatial_input_dir, jv_filename): before, sep, after = jv_filename.rpartition('.plot_meta.yaml') if sep and not after: jv_filename = before + '.csv.0' df = pd.read_csv(osp.join(spatial_input_dir, jv_filename)) N_IB = 1e17 df['x'] = df['coord_x'] * 1e3 df['f_IB'] = df['u_IB'] / N_IB return df
[docs]@arg('--out', required=True) @arg('--jv', required=True) @arg('--spatial-input-dir', required=True) @arg_matplotlib(default_font_size=14) @expects_obj def plot_bands(args): savefig = args.matplotlib_savefig out = outdir_path_helper(args.out) spdir = args.spatial_input_dir # python3 -m ecd_thesis2018.marti2002_plot plot-bands --usetex --out out.marti2002_plot/ --jv out.marti2002_plot_datafiles/JV_mpp_and_jsc.csv --spatial-input-dir out.marti2002_plot_datafiles/ # thesis2018=d0332dc0382ea2b5cd609c931e7b7970c218bd29 # simudo=682f18db136c86b6342e6fbbd2ff7a4df3ea67c1 jv = read_xcsv(args.jv)[0] jv = jv[jv.V.abs() < 1e-10] # short circuit fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.8, 2.6), dpi=100) gs0 = GridSpec( ncols=1, nrows=1, figure=fig, left=0.14, right=0.95, top=0.97, bottom=0.22, wspace=0.00, hspace=0.00, height_ratios=[1]) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs0[0, 0]) jv1 = jv[(jv.IB_sigma_ci == 1e-12) & (jv['IB_mobility'] == 10.0)] (_, row), = list(jv1.iterrows()) df = common_load_spatial_data(spdir, row['filename']) print(row['filename']) df_mask_IB(df) XS = 1e-3 ax = ax0 for band_name, band in BANDS.items(): ax.plot(df['x']*XS, df['Ephi_'+band_name], label='_nolegend_', color=band['color'], alpha=0.5) ax.text(0.5, 0.5, r"$\mathcal{{E}}_{}$".format(band['sym']), color='black') # as my soul for band_name, band in BANDS.items(): ax.plot(df['x']*XS, df['qfl_'+band_name], label='$w_{{{}}}$'.format(band['sym']), color=band['color'], linestyle='dashed') ax.text(0.5, 0.5, "$w_{}$".format(band['sym']), color=band['color']) # print(df['qfl_VB']) ax.set_xlabel(r'position ($\mathrm{\mu m}$)') ax.set_ylabel(r'Energy ($\mathrm{eV}$)') ax.set_xlim(np.array([0 - 10, (df['x'].max() + 10)])*XS) ax.set_ylim([-1.63, 1.76]) # ax.legend() # fig.tight_layout() savefig(fig, out + 'marti02_final_bands')
[docs]@arg('--out', required=True) @arg('--jv-mpp', required=True) @arg('--spatial-input-dir', required=True) @arg('--silly', action='store_true') @arg_matplotlib(default_font_size=14) @expects_obj def plot_fs(args): savefig = args.matplotlib_savefig out = outdir_path_helper(args.out) spdir = args.spatial_input_dir SILLY = args.silly jv = read_xcsv(args.jv_mpp)[0] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.8, 3.6), dpi=100) gs0 = GridSpec( ncols=1, nrows=1, figure=fig, left=0.18, right=0.95, top=0.97, bottom=0.16, wspace=0.00, hspace=0.00, height_ratios=[1]) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs0[0, 0]) sigma_ci_to_ls = { 2e-13: 'solid', 1e-12: 'dashed', } mu_to_color = { 0.001: COLOR['blue'], 30.0: COLOR['red'] } ax = ax0 for sigma_ci in [2e-13, 1e-12]: jv1 = jv[jv.IB_sigma_ci == sigma_ci] jv1 = jv1.sort_values('IB_mobility', ascending=False) # if not SILLY: # jv1 = jv1[jv1.IB_mobility.isin([0.001, 30])] ls = sigma_ci_to_ls[sigma_ci] # position doesn't matter, will be manually adjusted in inkscape ax.text(0.07, 0.93, SIGMA_CI_TO_LABEL[sigma_ci], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, # fontsize='small' ) for index, row in jv1.iterrows(): try: color = mu_to_color[row['IB_mobility']] except KeyError: continue df = common_load_spatial_data(spdir, row['filename']) df = extract_IB_region_only(df) df = df[df.x.between(200, 1000)] # Jacob request; was (250, 1000) ax.plot(df['x'], df['f_IB'], color=color, linestyle=ls, label='_nolegend_') if sigma_ci == 2e-13: mu_label = ( r'$\mu_{{I}} = {:.7g}' '\;\mathrm{{cm^2/V/s}}$'.format(row['IB_mobility'])) ax.plot([], [], label=mu_label, color=color) # ax.plot([], [], linestyle=ls, color='black', # label=SIGMA_CI_TO_LABEL[sigma_ci]) if not SILLY: ax.legend() ax.set_ylabel(r'IB filling fraction') ax.set_xlim([200, 1000]) ax.set_ylim([0.23, 0.56]) ax.set_xlabel(r"position ($\mathrm{nm}$)") savefig(fig, out + 'marti02_final_f_IB')
[docs]@with_default_kwargs() def plot_detail_j_subplot( concentration_factor, df, ax, **kws): todo = TODO() cscale = 1/concentration_factor order = ['CB', 'IB', 'VB'] for band_name in ['CB', 'VB', 'IB']: band = BANDS[band_name] ax.plot(df['x'], df['j_drift_'+band_name].abs()*cscale, # label=r'$j_{{{},\mathrm{{drift}}}}$'.format(band['sym']), label='_nolegend_', color=band['color'], linestyle='dashed') ax.plot(df['x'], df['j_diffusion_'+band_name].abs()*cscale, # label=r'$j_{{{},\mathrm{{diff}}}}$'.format(band['sym']), label='_nolegend_', color=band['color'], linestyle='solid') todo(order.index(band_name)+10, ax.plot, [], [], label=r'$j_{{{}}}$'.format(band['sym']), color=band['color'], linestyle='solid') ax.set_xlabel('position ($\mathrm{nm}$)') ax.set_ylabel(r'$|j_x|/X$ ($\mathrm{{mA}}/\mathrm{{cm}}^{{2}}$)' .format()) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim([1e-7, 1e2]) ax.set_xlim(df['x'].iloc[[0, -1]]) ax.legend()
[docs]def extract_max_abs_IB_current(spatial_input_dir, filename): df = common_load_spatial_data(spatial_input_dir, filename) return df.j_IB.abs().max()
[docs]@arg('--out', required=True) @arg('--jv-mpp', required=True) @arg('--spatial-input-dir', required=True) @arg('--silly', action='store_true') @arg_matplotlib(default_font_size=14) @expects_obj def plot_detail_j(args): savefig = args.matplotlib_savefig out = outdir_path_helper(args.out) spdir = args.spatial_input_dir SILLY = args.silly jv = read_xcsv(args.jv_mpp)[0] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.8, 6.4), dpi=100) gs0 = GridSpec( ncols=1, nrows=2, figure=fig, left=0.18, right=0.95, top=0.97, bottom=0.10, wspace=0.00, hspace=0.25, height_ratios=[1, 1]) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs0[0, 0]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs0[1, 0]) sigma_ci_to_ls = { 2e-13: 'solid', 1e-12: 'dashed', } mu_to_color = { 0.001: COLOR['blue'], 30.0: COLOR['red'] } jv1 = jv.query( "(IB_sigma_ci == 2e-13) &" "(IB_mobility == 100.0)") assert len(jv1.index) == 1 df = common_load_spatial_data(spdir, jv1['filename'].iloc[0]) df_add_drift_diffusion_terms(df) ax = ax0 plot_detail_j_subplot( locals(), ax=ax0, concentration_factor=jv1['concentration_factor'].iloc[0]) ax = ax1 jv["j_IB_max_abs"] = jv["filename"].apply( partial(extract_max_abs_IB_current, spdir)) for sigma_ci in [2e-13, 1e-12]: jv1 = jv[jv.IB_sigma_ci == sigma_ci] jv1 = jv1.sort_values("IB_mobility") ax.plot(jv1.IB_mobility, jv1.j_IB_max_abs / jv1.concentration_factor, color='black', label=SIGMA_CI_TO_LABEL[sigma_ci], linestyle=SIGMA_CI_TO_LS[sigma_ci], marker=SIGMA_CI_TO_MARKER[sigma_ci]) ax.set_ylim([0, 10.3]) ax.set_xlabel(r'IB mobility ($\mathrm{cm^2/V/s}$)') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\max(|j_{I}| / X)$ ($\mathrm{cm^2/V/s}$)') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.legend() to_xcsv(jv, out+"marti02_final_Jdd_maxIB.csv") savefig(fig, out + 'marti02_final_Jdd')
parser = ArghParser() parser.add_commands([ voltage_step_plots, extract_jv, plot_jv, copy_mpp, plot_fs, plot_bands, plot_detail_j]) if __name__ == '__main__': parser.dispatch()