
Carrier transport

  1. The IB is only defined within the IB material region, and not outside. FEniCS doesn’t seem to have a way to restrict a function to a subset of the mesh. We therefore need to figure out how to set essential BC on internal dofs to exclude them from the calculation.
  2. Try: Evaluate formal V_bc + u_bc to get w_bc, and use that as the w BC.
  3. Requested diagnostic: Produce plot with no majority contact fix and finer meshing in the y direction.
  4. What if the continuity and transport equations didn’t use the same quadrature degree for exp(w)? This could lead to an inconsistency near a minority contact, and therefore noise.
  5. Idea: Imposing j_u essential BC and iterating to impose the SRV BC.
  6. Implement interactive 2d plots.


  1. For Strandberg, use approximate form for radiative trapping rate (instead of the Fermi-Dirac degree 2 integral which they don’t use anyway).
  2. Non-square-peak absorption is important! Account for it when designing optical part of software.

Jacob’s idea for optical fields

Using a “plane wave” (all parallel) basis for the light intensity, with one basis function per angle, means having very many light fields, i.e. many variables (which is bad because of the O(N^3) time complexity scaling). Instead we can exploit the Lambertian behavior of a nice back surface to use a Lambertian basis for the light from the back contact (in addition to, for example, specular reflection).


  1. Be clear when talking about CB->IB->VB processes. Recombination is usually reserved for CB->VB processes. The CB/VB->IB processes are instead referred to as “trapping” (Shockley-Read, not SRH).