Source code for simudo.pyaml.astglobals

import ast
import collections
import unittest
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager

from cached_property import cached_property

__all__ = ['find_globals', 'FindFreeVariablesClassWarning']

[docs]class FindFreeVariablesClassWarning(UserWarning): pass
class FindFreeVariables(ast.NodeVisitor): ''' use the `find_globals` utility function ''' @cached_property def ffv_scope(self): return collections.ChainMap() @cached_property def ffv_globals(self): return set() # possible scopes: local, global, force_global @property def ffv_new_scope(self): scope = self.ffv_scope @contextmanager def context(): scope.maps.insert(0, dict()) yield fglobals = self.ffv_globals for name, var_scope in scope.maps[0].items(): if var_scope != 'local': fglobals.add(name) del scope.maps[0] return context def ffv_binding(self, name, state='local'): d = self.ffv_scope cur = d.get(name, 'global') if cur != 'force_global': if not (cur == 'local' and state == 'global'): d[name] = state def visit_ListComp(self, node): with self.ffv_new_scope(): super().generic_visit(node) def visit_SetComp(self, node): self.visit_ListComp(node) def visit_DictComp(self, node): self.visit_ListComp(node) def visit_GeneratorExp(self, node): self.visit_ListComp(node) def visit_Name(self, node): if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Store): # establish new binding self.ffv_binding( elif isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): self.ffv_binding(, state='global') super().generic_visit(node) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): with self.ffv_new_scope(): args = node.args for a in args.args: self.ffv_binding(a.arg) for a in args.kwonlyargs: self.ffv_binding(a.arg) if args.vararg: self.ffv_binding(args.vararg.arg) if args.kwarg: self.ffv_binding(args.kwarg.arg) super().generic_visit(node) name = getattr(node, 'name', None) if name: self.ffv_binding( def visit_AsyncFunctionDef(self, node): self.visit_FunctionDef(node) def visit_Lambda(self, node): self.visit_FunctionDef(node) def visit_ClassDef(self, node): warnings.warn(FindFreeVariablesClassWarning( "Global variable detection is not fully implemented for Python " "classes. This may lead to false dependencies being established " "in the caching system.")) super().generic_visit(node) def visit_ExceptHandler(self, node): if self.ffv_binding( super().generic_visit(node) def visit_Import(self, node): for alias in node.names: self.ffv_binding(alias.asname) super().generic_visit(node) def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): self.visit_Import(node) def visit_Global(self, node): for name in node.names: self.ffv_binding(name, 'force_global') super().generic_visit(node) def visit_With(self, node): super().generic_visit(node)
[docs]def find_globals(ast_tree): ''' Returns a set of all global variable names referenced in the code. Warning: does not yet work properly on classes.''' ffv = FindFreeVariables() ffv.visit(ast_tree) return ffv.ffv_globals
class UnitTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_me(self): codes = [('''\ def f(a, b): l1 = a + b g1(g2, l1) ''', 'g1 g2'), ('''\ def f(a): l1,, l2 = a + g2 if a: l3 = g3(l2, name=l1, *l3, **g4) g5.A2[l3] = g6.A1[l2] ''', 'g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6'), ('''\ def f(a): for i in a: g1(a, i) l1 = g2[g3(i)] with g4(l1) as l2: g1(l1, l2) def h(b, arg=g5): g6(l1, l2, i) k = lambda b, arg=g7: g8(l1, b) ''', 'g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8'), ('''\ def f(a): try: l1 = g1() except g4 as l2: l1 = g2(l2) finally: g3() ''', 'g1 g2 g3 g4'), ('''\ def f(a): import abc as l1 from abc import xyz as l2 g1(l1, l2) ''', 'g1'), ('''\ def f(a): global g1 g1, l1 = a ''', 'g1'), ('''\ def f(a): with g1(a, g2) as l1: g2(l1) g3(l1, a) ''', 'g1 g2 g3'), ('''\ def f(a): g1(l1+g2 for l1 in a+g3) g4([l2+g5 for l2 in a+g6]) ''', 'g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6'), ('''\ def f(a): def l1(): return a return l1 ''', ''), ('''\ def f1(g1): def f2(): global g1 def f3(): g1() ''', 'g1'), ] for code, gs in codes: c = ast.parse(code) self.assertEqual(set(gs.split()), find_globals(c)) def test_raises_warning(self): c = ast.parse(''' def f(a): class l1(g1, metaclass=g2): l2 = a g3 = a # here it's local to the class def method(self): g3() # here this is actually a global! ''') with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") find_globals(c) self.assertEqual(len(w), 1) self.assertTrue(issubclass( w[0].category, FindFreeVariablesClassWarning))