Source code for simudo.physics.poisson_drift_diffusion

import logging
import re
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain

from cached_property import cached_property

import dolfin

from .. import pyaml
from ..fem import (
    MixedFunctionHelper, NewtonSolverMaxDu, Spatial, WithSubfunctionsMixin,
from ..util import NameDict, SetattrInitMixin
from .problem_data_child import DefaultProblemDataChildMixin

pyaml_pdd = pyaml.load_res(__name__, 'poisson_drift_diffusion1.py1')

__all__ = [
    'SaveItem', 'GetToSaveMixin',

[docs]class SaveItem(SetattrInitMixin): name = None value = None file_save = True solver_save = False
[docs]class GetToSaveMixin(object):
[docs] def get_to_save(self): '''Get dict of functions needed to restore a solution from file, or to save in a backtracking/adaptive solver. The default implementation returns an empty NameDict. Returns ------- :py:class:`~.NameDict`: NameDict of :py:class:`SaveItem`. ''' return NameDict()
[docs]class PoissonDriftDiffusion(DefaultProblemDataChildMixin, GetToSaveMixin, SetattrInitMixin): ''' Parameters ---------- problem_data: See :py:attr:`problem_data`. mesh_data: optional See :py:attr:`mesh_data`. Attributes ---------- problem_data: :py:class:`~.problem_data.ProblemData` Parent problem. mesh_data: :py:class:`~.mesh_data.MeshData` Mesh data. Taken from :py:attr:`problem_data` if not specified. bands: :py:class:`~.NameDict` Dictionary of band objects. poisson: :py:class:`Poisson` Poisson part of the problem. electro_optical_processes: :py:class:`~.NameDict` Dictionary of :class:`ElectroOpticalProcess` instances, including dark generation/recombination mechanisms like SRH. mesh_util: :py:class:`~.mesh_util.MeshUtil` PDE utilities, many of which are (needlessly) mesh-specific. mixed_function_helper: MixedFunctionHelper Mixed function and related registry. ''' _MixedFunctionHelper = MixedFunctionHelper
[docs] def get_weak_form(self): return sum(x.get_weak_form() for x in self.get_subproblem_children())
[docs] def get_essential_bcs(self): return list(chain.from_iterable( x.get_essential_bcs() for x in self.get_subproblem_children()))
[docs] def get_solution_function(self): return self.mixed_function_helper.solution_function
@cached_property def mixed_function_helper(self): m = self._MixedFunctionHelper() m.mesh_util = self.mesh_util m.subspace_descriptors_for_solution_space = ( self.get_subspace_descriptors_for_solution_space()) self.function_subspace_registry.register( m.solution_mixed_space.function_space) return m @property def mixed_function_space(self): return self.mixed_function_helper.solution_mixed_space
[docs] def get_subproblem_children(self): return (self.poisson,) + tuple(self.bands)
[docs] def get_subspace_descriptors_for_solution_space(self): '''Used by ``self.mixed_function_helper`` to build the mixed function space.''' return chain.from_iterable( x.solution_subspace_descriptors for x in self.get_subproblem_children())
@property def kT(self): '''Shortcut for :math:`k_B T`, where :math:`k_B` is the Boltzmann constant, and :math:`T` is the temperature (:py:attr:`temperature`).''' u = self.unit_registry return (self.temperature * u.boltzmann_constant).to('eV') @property def temperature(self): '''Temperature as taken from :py:attr:`spatial`.''' return self.spatial.get("temperature")
[docs] def easy_add_band(self, name, band_type=None, sign="auto"): '''Shortcut for instantiating and adding a band. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the band. band\_type: str or class or None Can be a string, or a band class (inheriting from :py:class:`Band`). If it is a string, it serves as an alias as defined below: - "nondegenerate", "boltzmann" -> :py:class:`MixedQflNondegenerateBand` - "degenerate", "parabolic" -> :py:class:`MixedQflDegenerateBand` (not implemented yet) - "intermediate", "sharp" -> :py:class:`MixedQflIntermediateBand` If `None`, the type will be deduced from the band name: - "CB", "VB" -> "nondegenerate" - "IB" -> "intermediate" sign: +1, -1, None, or "auto" The sign of the charge carrier for this band (negative for electrons, positive for holes). - If "auto", the sign will be deduced from the name of the band. - If `None`, the `sign` keyword argument will not be passed to be band object constructor. Returns ------- band: :py:class:`Band` Band object. ''' cls = band_type # deduce type from name if cls is None: if name == "CB" or name == "VB": cls = 'nondegenerate' elif name == 'IB': cls = 'intermediate' # deduce sign from name if sign == "auto": if name == "CB" or name == "IB": sign = -1 elif name == 'VB': sign = 1 else: raise ValueError( "Don't know how to automatically set sign for this band, " "either set it manually or pass sign=None to not set the " "attribute on the Band object") # resolve string cls to class if cls == "nondegenerate" or cls == "boltzmann": cls = MixedQflNondegenerateBand elif cls == "degenerate" or cls == "parabolic": raise NotImplementedError( "degenerate parabolic bands not implemented yet") elif cls == "intermediate" or cls == "sharp": cls = MixedQflIntermediateBand if not issubclass(cls, Band): raise TypeError() kwargs = dict(key=name) if sign is not None: kwargs['sign'] = sign return self.add_band(cls, kwargs)
[docs] def add_band(self, cls, kwargs): """Instantiate and add band. You probably want to use :py:meth:`easy_add_band` instead. """ kwargs.setdefault("pdd", self) goal = self.problem_data.goal if goal != 'full': cls = cls._base_band_class band = cls(**kwargs) self.bands.add(band) return band
[docs] def easy_add_electrostatic_potential_BC( self, facet_region, value): self.bcs.add(...) raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def easy_add_electro_optical_process(self, cls, **kwargs): inst = cls(pdd=self, optical=self.problem_data.optical, **kwargs) self.electro_optical_processes.add(inst) return inst
@cached_property def bands(self): return NameDict() @cached_property def spatial(self): return Spatial(parent=self) @cached_property def electro_optical_processes(self): return NameDict() @cached_property def poisson(self): goal = self.problem_data.goal if goal == 'local charge neutrality': cls = LocalChargeNeutralityPoisson elif goal == 'thermal equilibrium' or goal == 'full': cls = MixedPoisson else: raise AssertionError("bad goal") return cls(pdd=self)
[docs] def easy_create_newton_solver(self): goal = self.problem_data.goal if goal == 'local charge neutrality': cls = LocalChargeNeutralitySolver elif goal == 'thermal equilibrium': cls = ThermalEquilibriumSolver else: raise AssertionError('bad goal') return cls.from_nice_obj(self)
[docs] def easy_auto_pre_solve(self): solver = self.easy_create_newton_solver() name = self.problem_data.goal_abbreviated solver.logger = logging.getLogger("newton." + name) solver.solve()
[docs] def initialize_from(self, other_pdd): fsr = self.function_subspace_registry.from_union( (self.function_subspace_registry, other_pdd.function_subspace_registry)) self.poisson.initialize_from( other_pdd.poisson, function_subspace_registry=fsr) for key in self.bands.keys(): self.bands[key].initialize_from( other_pdd.bands[key], function_subspace_registry=fsr)
[docs] def get_to_save(self): r = super().get_to_save() for x in self.get_subproblem_children(): r.update(x.get_to_save()) r.add(SaveItem( name='pdd/mixed_solution', value=self.mixed_function_helper.solution_function, solver_save=True)) return r
class LocalChargeNeutralitySolver( NewtonSolverMaxDu): ''' Newton solver for local charge neutrality ''' def do_init_parameters(self): super().do_init_parameters() self.parameters.update( relaxation_parameter=0.5, maximum_iterations=2000, # WOW extra_iterations=5, relative_tolerance=1e-10, absolute_tolerance=1e-5, maximum_du=0.02, omega_cb=lambda self: 0.2 if self.iteration < 100 else 0.5, ) class ThermalEquilibriumSolver( NewtonSolverMaxDu): ''' Newton solver for thermal equilibrium ''' def do_init_parameters(self): super().do_init_parameters() self.parameters.update( relaxation_parameter=0.5, maximum_iterations=500, relative_tolerance=1e-5, absolute_tolerance=1e-5, extra_iterations=15, omega_cb=lambda self: 0.4 if self.iteration < 30 else 0.9, ) class TypicalFromPDDMixin(object): '''Common shortcuts.''' @property def spatial(self): return self.pdd.spatial @property def unit_registry(self): return self.pdd.unit_registry @property def mesh_util(self): return self.pdd.mesh_util @property def mixed_function_solution_object(self): return self.pdd.mixed_function_helper def initialize_from(self, other, **kwargs): ''' by default, do nothing '''
[docs]class Poisson(pyaml_pdd.Poisson, WithSubfunctionsMixin, GetToSaveMixin, SetattrInitMixin, TypicalFromPDDMixin): '''Base class for Poisson part of the problem. You should instead look at one of the subclasses, such as :class:`MixedPoisson`. Attributes ---------- key: str Unique key used to prefix subfunctions. pdd: PoissonDriftDiffusion Parent object. phi: pint.Quantity Electrostatic potential. E: pint.Quantity Electric field. rho: pint.Quantity Charge density. thermal_equilibrium_phi: pint.Quantity Electrostatic potential at thermal equilibrium (i.e. when all qfls are equal to zero). ''' key = "poisson" @property def permittivity(self): return self.pdd.spatial.get("poisson/permittivity") @property def at_thermal_equilibrium(self): return self.pdd.problem_data.goal == 'thermal equilibrium' @cached_property def thermal_equilibrium_phi(self): if self.at_thermal_equilibrium: return self.phi # we *are* the thermal equilibrium else: mu = self.mesh_util return mu.unit_registry('V') * dolfin.Function(
[docs] def get_to_save(self): r = super().get_to_save() if not self.at_thermal_equilibrium: tphi = self.thermal_equilibrium_phi if tphi is not None: r.add(SaveItem( name='poisson/thermal_equilibrium_phi', value=tphi, solver_save=False)) return r
class InitializeFromByAttributesMixin(object): def initialize_from(self, other, function_subspace_registry, **kwargs): mu = self.mesh_util log = logging.getLogger('assign.initialize_from') assign = partial( opportunistic_assign, function_subspace_registry=function_subspace_registry) for attr in self.initialize_from_attributes: source = getattr(other, attr) target = getattr(self, attr) if source is None: continue log.debug("{!r} assigning attribute {!r}, src={!r}, dst={!r}" .format(self, attr, source, target)) custom_assign_attr = "_initialize_from_custom_" + attr custom_assign = getattr(self, custom_assign_attr, None) if custom_assign is None: assign(source=source, target=target) else: custom_assign( assign=assign, source=source, target=target, other=other, function_subspace_registry=function_subspace_registry, kwargs=kwargs) class LocalChargeNeutralityPoissonMixin( pyaml_pdd.LocalChargeNeutralityPoissonMixin): initialize_from_attributes = ('phi',) def get_weak_form(self): return self.local_charge_neutrality_weak_form def get_essential_bcs(self): return self.essential_bcs @property def thermal_equilibrium_phi(self): return None class MixedMethodPoissonMixin(pyaml_pdd.MixedPoissonMixin): initialize_from_attributes = ('phi', 'E', 'thermal_equilibrium_phi') mixed_debug_quad_degree_rho = 20 def get_weak_form(self): return self.mixed_weak_form def get_essential_bcs(self): return self.essential_bcs class LocalChargeNeutralityPoisson( InitializeFromByAttributesMixin, LocalChargeNeutralityPoissonMixin, Poisson): pass
[docs]class MixedPoisson(InitializeFromByAttributesMixin, MixedMethodPoissonMixin, Poisson): pass
[docs]class Band(pyaml_pdd.Band, WithSubfunctionsMixin, GetToSaveMixin, TypicalFromPDDMixin, SetattrInitMixin): '''Represents a band where its carriers are at thermal equilibrium with each other (such that a quasifermi level is well defined). Attributes ---------- name: str Name of this band. Must be unique among :py:attr:`PoissonDriftDiffusion.bands` as it is used as a key in that :py:class:`~.NameDict`. By default simply an alias for :py:attr:`key`, so **you do not need to set it**. key: str Unique key used to prefix subfunctions. pdd: PoissonDriftDiffusion Parent object. u: Carrier density in this band. qfl: Quasi-Fermi level, aka imref, of carriers in this band. j: Current density through this band. sign: Sign of the charge carriers; ``-1`` for electrons, and ``+1`` for holes. mobility: Band mobility. By default taken from ``.spatial``. ''' @property def name(self): return self.key # FIXME: call this by its proper name, which is probably one of "chemical potential" or "electrochemical potential"
[docs] def phiqfl_to_u(self, phi_plus_qfl): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def u_to_phiqfl(self, u): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def qfl_to_u(self, qfl): return self.phiqfl_to_u(self.e_phi + qfl)
[docs] def u_to_qfl(self, u): return self.u_to_phiqfl(u) - self.e_phi
subfunctions_info = ()
[docs] def get_weak_form(self): return 0
[docs] def get_essential_bcs(self): return ()
@property def g(self): return sum(proc.get_generation(self) for proc in self.pdd.electro_optical_processes)
[docs]class NondegenerateBand(pyaml_pdd.NondegenerateBand, Band): r'''This represents a nondegenerate band obeying Boltzmann statistics (instead of Fermi-Dirac as it would be for a proper degenerate band), with an effective density of states :py:attr:`effective_density_of_states` (:math:`N_0`) at an energy level :py:attr:`energy_level` (:math:`E_0`). The defining relationship is .. math:: u = N_0 \exp\Big[s\cdot\big(E_0 - (w + q\phi)\big) / kT\Big] where - :code:`s` is :py:attr:`Band.sign`, - :code:`w` is :py:attr:`Band.qfl`, - :code:`q` is the elementary charge, - :code:`kT` is :py:attr:`PoissonDriftDiffusion.kT`, - :math:`\phi` is :py:attr:`Poisson.phi`. Attributes ---------- effective_density_of_states: Band effective density of states. By default taken from :py:attr:`~PoissonDriftDiffusion.spatial`. energy_level: Band effective energy level. By default taken from :py:attr:`~PoissonDriftDiffusion.spatial`. ''' @property def effective_energy_level(self): ''' In a nondegenerate band, by default the :py:attr:`energy_level` is assumed to include degeneracy effects, so this just returns that attribute. ''' return self.energy_level
class DegeneracyMixin(object): r'''This mixin implements state degeneracy for traps and degenerate bands, by defining :py:attr:`effective_energy_level` in terms of :py:attr:`energy_level` and :py:attr:`degeneracy`. The relationship is .. math:: E_{0} = E_{0}^{\textnormal{true}} - s\cdot kT\ln\frac{m_{0}}{m_{1}} where - :math:`E_{0}` is the effective energy level (:py:attr:`effective_energy_level`), - :math:`E_{0}^{\textnormal{true}}` is the true energy level (:py:attr:`energy_level`), - :math:`\frac{m_{0}}{m_{1}}` is the degeneracy factor (:py:attr:`degeneracy`), where - :math:`m_{0}` is the degeneracy factor for an empty band, - :math:`m_{1}` is the degeneracy factor for a full band. - :math:`s` is the :py:attr:`~Band.sign`, ``+1`` for holes and ``-1`` for electrons. This change simplifies many recombination mechanisms by letting them assume that the degeneracy factor :math:`m = 1` in the Fermi-Dirac distribution :math:`f_1(x) = \frac{1}{m e^{x} + 1}`. For the derivation, see `doc/ib.lyx`. Parameters ---------- energy_level: True energy level of the trap, as defined for example in :py:attr:`IntermediateBand.energy_level`. degeneracy: Trap degeneracy factor :math:`m_0/m_1` (see :py:class:`DegeneracyMixin`). By default taken from :py:attr:`~PoissonDriftDiffusion.spatial`. Attributes ---------- effective_energy_level: Effective band energy level. Computed from :py:attr:`energy_level` and :py:attr:`degeneracy`. ''' @property def degeneracy(self): '''(parameter, see :py:class:`DegeneracyMixin`)''' return self.spatial.get(self.spatial_prefix + "degeneracy") @property def effective_energy_level(self): mu = self.mesh_util return (self.energy_level - self.sign * self.pdd.kT * mu.ln(self.degeneracy))
[docs]class IntermediateBand(DegeneracyMixin, pyaml_pdd.IntermediateBand, Band): r'''This represents an intermediate band with an energetically sharp density of states, where all :py:attr:`number_of_states` (:math:`N_I`) states are concentrated at an energy level :py:attr:`energy_level` (:math:`E_I`). The number of carriers obeys Fermi-Dirac statistics. The defining relationship is therefore .. math:: u = N_I f_1\Big(s\cdot\big((w + q\phi) - E_I\big)/kT\Big) where - :code:`s` is :py:attr:`Band.sign`, - :code:`w` is :py:attr:`Band.qfl`, - :code:`q` is the elementary charge, - :code:`kT` is :py:attr:`PoissonDriftDiffusion.kT`, - :math:`\phi` is :py:attr:`Poisson.phi`, and - :math:`f_1(x) = \frac{1}{e^{x} + 1}`. Note that state degeneracy is handled through :py:class:`DegeneracyMixin`. Attributes ---------- number_of_states: Number of states in the intermediate band. The carrier concentration in this band can never be higher than this number. By default taken from :py:attr:`~PoissonDriftDiffusion.spatial`. energy_level: Band energy level. By default inherited from :py:attr:`DegeneracyMixin.energy_level`. '''
class MixedQflBandMixin(pyaml_pdd.MixedQflBand): '''Mixed method for the drift-diffusion and continuity equations using quasi-fermi level and current density as the dynamical variables. ''' initialize_from_attributes = ('qfl', 'j') # debug default parameters mixedqfl_debug_fill_thresholds = (0., 0.) mixedqfl_debug_fill_from_boundary = True mixedqfl_debug_fill_with_zero_except_bc = False mixedqfl_debug_use_bchack = False mixedqfl_debug_quad_degree_super = 20 mixedqfl_debug_quad_degree_g = 8 @cached_property def mixedqfl_base_w(self): p = self.mesh_util u = self.unit_registry return dolfin.Function( * u.electron_volt def get_weak_form(self): return self.mixedqfl_weak_form def get_essential_bcs(self): return self.essential_bcs def get_to_save(self): r = super().get_to_save() k = r.add(SaveItem(name=k+'/mixedqfl_base_w', value=self.mixedqfl_base_w.magnitude, solver_save=True)) return r def _initialize_from_custom_qfl( self, assign, source, function_subspace_registry, **kwargs): function_subspace_registry.assign_scalar( self.mixedqfl_base_w.m, 0.0) assign(source=source, target=self.mixedqfl_delta_w) def _initialize_from_custom_j( self, assign, source, function_subspace_registry, **kwargs): assign(source=source, target=self.mixedqfl_j)
[docs]class MixedQflNondegenerateBand( InitializeFromByAttributesMixin, MixedQflBandMixin, NondegenerateBand): _base_band_class = NondegenerateBand
[docs]class MixedQflIntermediateBand( InitializeFromByAttributesMixin, MixedQflBandMixin, IntermediateBand): _base_band_class = IntermediateBand
class MixedDensityBandMixin(pyaml_pdd.MixedDensityBand): '''**DO NOT USE THIS!** Mixed method for the drift-diffusion and continuity equations using carrier density and current density as the dynamical variables. ''' initialize_from_attributes = ('u', 'j') # debug default parameters mixed_debug_quad_degree_super = 20 mixed_debug_quad_degree_g = 8 def get_weak_form(self): return self.mixed_weak_form def get_essential_bcs(self): return self.essential_bcs def _initialize_from_custom_u( self, assign, source, function_subspace_registry, **kwargs): assign(source=source, target=self.mixed_u) def _initialize_from_custom_j( self, assign, source, function_subspace_registry, **kwargs): assign(source=source, target=self.mixed_j)
[docs]class MixedDensityNondegenerateBand( InitializeFromByAttributesMixin, MixedDensityBandMixin, NondegenerateBand): _base_band_class = NondegenerateBand